Chapfwr four

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I woke up to a hand on my waist I turned over and Daniel was there crouched over my bed his face close to mine "good morning sleepyhead" he said I groaned and sat up he leaned in for a kiss but I dodged it smoothly and the look on his face was priceless is stood up and unbuttoned my shirt slipping on what my mom called a sports bra i wore them for archery and horse riding he watched me intently as it pulled a black crop top on and black skinny jeans on I brushed my hair out and did a Quick French braid down my back I tied it off with a hair tie "what time is it" I asked Daniel he looked at his watch "six thirty we have some time to spare" he said stepping towards me I nodded "yeah I think I'll go take a bath in the river" I said he smiled "can I come" he asked I shrugged "well you took one yesterday but you do stink" I said turning around leaving he smiled "hey I do not" he said I nodded "oh yes you do" I said he sighed and followed me down to the river I stripped down and pulled my hair out I walked into the river it was cold but it felt refreshing he sat on the bank watching me I washed the fresh river water through my hair and rubbed it all over my body "you know I could help you with that" he said I smiled and looked at him over my shoulder he was leaning against the tree that held a towel "or I could just do it myself" I said I turned and walked over to him he smile touching my waist I grabbed the town and friend myself off he rolled his eyes "you know you want me to Goldilocks" he said I shrugged "l-" he cut me off my grabbing my head and pulling it up to look him in the eyes he didn't say anything and he was right I do want him I want him to kiss me but I enjoyed the chase I cleared my throat "I need to get dressed" I said butterflies in my stomach he let me go and I pulled on my clothes I patted my hair dry and braided it again "now what time is it" I asked 6:40" he said "still twenty minutes" he said walking up the trail to our hut again we went inside I sat back on my bed he sat next to me so our legs were touching "you know twenty minutes is plenty of time to do multiple things" he said I smiled "yeah like for you to take a bath" I said smiling I groaned "I can't smell I bathed yesterdy" he said I smiled "your right you don't stink" I said he rolled his eyes and tackled me onto the bed Tickling me I laughed we ended up with him on top of of pinning my hands above my head he leaned his head down almost a question if he could kiss me and I gave in I life's my head up to touch our lips together his lips seconds away from mine there  was a blood curdling scream  he grabbed something off the floor next to his cot and ran outside with me the redhead was being dragged by a huge mountain lion across the opening "oh god..." I said trailing off Daniel shoved something cold and long into my hands I looked down it was a shithed dagger I looked up at him I've never held a knife like this befor a knife for killing he nodded at me he took off after the retreating lion I followed him closely there was a clip on the sheath of the dagger I clipped it to the side of my pants the flailing body slowed the lips down she was leaving a trail of blood The girl was trying to reach for something I saw she had a dagger Strapped to her thigh she was reaching for it but it had her arm locker in its mouth that is going to be hard to fix with the minimum medical supplies we have the lion gave up there were to many on her she dropped the redhead I stopped at her three other people stopped with me everybody else including Daniel chased after the lion I tore her shirt off her to see the extent of the injuries "damnit" I whispered I was the only person who had medical experience "I need a belt" I said somebody's good yo and handed me and makeshift belt out of some sort of rope "I can't use this a jacket or something" I said panicking I took a deep breath as somebody stripped out of a jacket I took it and ripped the sleeve off it Ting a tourniquet to help the bleeding the bites were to the bone "we need to get her to the infurmery" I said standing up I looked around at us there were only four of us three scrawny girls one scrawny boy he looked younger then me he was carrying a bag "give me your bag" I said he handed it over I opened it I smiled there was a blanket I pulled it out and gave him the bag back I payed the blanket on the ground we rolled her onto it and pulled it up two people on each side she didn't weigh much but still manicuring the light the forest was hard we followed the blood trail it led in zig zags we went as fast as we could we finally broke through the edge of the meadow "run!" I shouted and we al broke out running as fast as we could without tripping or dropping her we stumbled into the infirmary and rushed her to the nearest open bed we set her on the bed she was breathing fast she's in shock the other doctor rushed over "what the hell happend" she asked quickly checking her wounds "mountain lion possibility of infection sever bites and breaks to the right side of the body" I recited quickly she nodded she handed me a pair of scissors we cut her clothes off of her there were two more doctors hurrying over they give me gloves an input them on I was examining the arm it was terrible ripped out of the shoulder socket and elbow socket broken in several places "I need to set these bones" I said looking at the blonde she nodded I took a breath looking at the worst break on the forearm I grabbed above and blow and held unprepared myself I pulled the bone back she screamed I put it in place "why the hell isn't she on pain meds" I said looking around "there's not enough we gave her her ration" a skinny brunet said "what about whisky any strong alcohol" I said a raven haired girl nodded and tan out of the hut I couldn't wait for her I moved onto the elbow pulling it back and setting it in place she screamed again I quickly moved onto the shoulder and jerked it back into place the raven haired girl came back in holding two bottles of whisky she handed me one bottle I pulled the redhead into a sitting position "drink as much as you can" I said and pot the bottle to her lips she sipped at it she pulled away making a disgusted face "it will help drink it'll make the pain go away" I said in coxing voice she looked into mye yess her blue ones completely venerable like I've never seen her I nodded and she put her lips to the glass taking down five big gulps she shook her head and I put the glass down "put it in her wounds too it will help clean" I said they obeyed she was silent I set all the bones I could in her arm "stitch all the cute and bites you can" I said they all obeyed why are they all listening to me so well I ignored it I grabbed one of the five suture kits and got to work sewing "amara I don't think she'd breathing" one of the six people said my head snapped up I looked at her her chest was still her lips were blue I checked for a pulse there was none " oh god" I put my hands on her Chest pumping rhythmically after ten I breathed three breaths into her mouth ten more pumps three more breaths ten mor pumps three more breaths "come on come on" I said my breath coming fast I pushed all my weight I paused waiting for a pulse it never came I made a fast and brought it down on her chest with all of my strength no change "I'm opening her up she has a clot a blood clot" I said they went silent "amara" the blond said "I'm doing it if she's going to die let's stalwart try to help her" I snapped I held my had our "scalpel or knife whatever we have" they handed me a surgical grade scalpel I pulled the cover off I counted six ribs I felt between the sixths and seventh rib I cut there deep seven inches long I dropped the scalpel on the tray and pulled her rips apart "hold them apart I need to stick my hand in there" I said two hands came in holding the ribs apart I stuck my had in I felt her still heart I moved my hands along it I felt the large abstraction below her heart I grabbed it pulling it out of her chest cavity dropping it in the tray sticking my hand looking for any more there wasn't I held her heart on my had massaging it it was silent the squelching of her heart in my had my heart beating in my ear I massaged it until my hand cramped I stopped setting it down her lips were blue "damn it" I said stepping back everybody stepped back I pulled my gloves off dropping them on the tray I stumbled back from her still dead body my shirt was covered in her blood I felt it on my face in my skin I turned Daniel was standing in the door he had a scratch on his face it was bleeding but not bad it could use a few stitches but there was a girl behind me dead and naked my hands dangled in my hair pulling it I was breathing hard there was a gasp of air behind me I turned it was the redhead "oh my god" I ran back to her she coughed gasping for air her chest moving rapidly up and down we al spring back into action I pushed my fingers to her neck "I have a pulse" I yelled smiling I laughed as I stapled then sticker the cut below her Brest closed she groaned "what the hell happend" she said I smiled at her "you were attacked by a mountain lion" I said pushing a haws bandage on her cut I draped a cloth over her breasts she sighed and didn't answer me I stepped back the blonde stepped towards me "amara what you did was reckless" she said I looked at the floor and nodded she smiled "and you saved her life you can have night shift another time get out of here" she said I nodded "thank you" I said and turned around back to Daniel I stumbled towards him he put his arm under mine and walked me back to our hut I stumbled inside he helped me out of my clothes and pulled a Cotten hoodie over my head and little black shorts i sat on my bed silent deep in thought "I- I held a heart in my hand today" I said looking at the floor I glanced up at him he was watching me I looked back down "I set four of her bones back in place I- I saved her life" I said I looked back up he was smiling I raised my eyebrows "I did open heart surgery in the middle of a fucking forest" I've never used that kind of language before but I didn't care any more i just saved somebody's life "I watched you amara it was..." he trailed off "it was amazing to watch that" he said I smiled and he smiled back standing up to walk over and sit next to me he put his arm around my shoulders and I leaned into him sighing remembering the feeling of her bones her heart in my hand "it was thrilling" I said I looked up at him smiling he smiled back I spotted the cut on his head "oh that looks bad" I said you can big it gently he flinched away I raised my eyebrows at him "let me look" I said he sighed and I gently proved the area "that's deep it's going to need stitches if it's gonna heal" I said he rolled his eyes "that's not" he said but I stood up "where are you going" he asked I smiled as I pulled my shoes on "we are going to the infirmary" I said standing up he rolled his eyes and followed me we strolled to the infirmary I walked in and he sat on an empty bed I went to the back to grab a suture kit the raven haired girl was sitting next to the red head watching her the red head was asleep breathing thankfully "if anything happens in the night come get me" I said she nodded and I walked back to Daniel he was sitting on the edge of the bed fidgeting with the leather around his wrist in a bracelet "oh don't tell me your scared of needles" I said smiling pulling the gloves on and opening the kit I picked up a large needle for much deeper wounds on his head "please tel me that's not what your going to use" he said going pale looking as if he was going to pass out I smiled and put the needle back "so your not scared of chasing a mountain lion through the forest but your scared off a little needle" I asked grabbing the suture with the forceps he rolled his eyes but went more pale "you should lay down" I said pulling the Curran around the bed shut he sighed and leaned back I walked into the edge of the bed above his head he looked into my eyes "it's ok" I said he sighed and closed his eyes his jaw was tense "ltll Hurt less if you loosen your face" I said he relaxed his face but his hands were in fists at his side "think about something that'll get your mind off the cut" I said he obeyed I cleaned all the dried blood off and started suturing it shut carefully trying to make it so when it heals there will be  no scar I carefully trimmed the stitches down I put the scissors on the tray and pulled my gloves off "ok your done" I said straightening up he opened his eyes confused "really I didn't even feel it" he said sitting up I smiled and put all the games back in the kit and threw it away "a miracle worker" he said smiling at me I rolled my eyes but smiled back he stood up and we walked back to our hut I sat on my cot I just realized how bad my had hurts and my back and legs from standing up all day I bent over the edge of my bed and touched my toes then I leaned back attempting and failing to pop my back I sighed and turned still trying to pop it Daniel walked over to me "let me help you" he said I sat on my knees with my hands behind my head he stood behind me hooking his arms through mine and pulling me off the ground and popping my bag he set me back on the ground I sighed in relief I stood up and turned to him "thanks" I said and ladied on my bed closing my eyes "goodnight amara" he said I grunted s goodnight back and instantly drifted off to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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