Chapter three

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I woke up to somebody moving around in the hut I looked over it was Daniel and was getting dressed I sat up "what time is it?" I asked rubbing the sleep out of my eyes he turned around "6:00 in the morning get up" he said I stretched and stood up pulling my pants down and off I grabbed a pair of black leggings and slipped them on I unbuttoned my shirt and slipped the same bra I had on last night Daniel was watching me and I hurried to clip it and grab a black shirt that had a cross pattern down the back revealing my back I strained up brushing the tangles out of my hair and pulling it up into a pony tail on the back of my head two strands of hair fell out framing my face I slipped into my combat boots and stood up I looked over at him his hair was messy I smiled as he pulled a shirt over his head he turned and his eyes connected with mine he smiled and sat back on his cot I sat on mine I pulled my bag up onto the bed and looked through it I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for until i see the little box that holds my mother's tiara I open it in the bag so Daniel can't see it the Jews glimmer the emeralds shine I sighed and closed the box and looked up Daniel was staring at me again "don't stare it's rude" I said looking down at my hands blushing he laughed and I smiled I stood up "I'm going down to the river come get me when it's time for breakfast" he said standing up and leaving I watched him I leaned back against the wall smiling I made it out of the castle and now I'm here the door opens and the red head came in glaring at me "breakfast is ready" she said then she left her red hair flapping behind her like a fox tail I stood up and went out I heard the river right off the bat and I walked towards it there was a small path until I reached it I saw Daniels clothes first laying in a clean patch of grass I looked up he was in the river his whole body glistening in the shine of the sunrise he ran his hands through his hair and water slid between his fingers I watched him he turned around spotting me a smile twitched across his lips as he walked out his perfect soaking body coming close to me my breath caught he walked straight towards me my heart beat quickend and he out his hand on the tree behind me pinning me to the trunk my breath was shaky "peeping are we goldilocks" he said his voice low and husky "breakfast is...ready" I said my eyes drifting down his body I quickly refocused and looked back up at him he sighed his sweet breath hitting my face "well you can stay for the show..." he said trailing off I pushed him off me and hurried away my ponytail was flipping in the wind I flipped it over my shoulder where it tapped my lower back my hair was long quite long and thick it was hard to manageable I came up the hill and got in line holding a small bowl behind a boy with blonde hair he turned looking me up and down he smirked he was quite as handsome as Daniel what is up with the boys here? I said to myself "your the girl that foxy found last night right?" He asked foxy I admired he was talking about there redhead "yeah it was a bit scary being pulled through the woods by a stranger" I said smiling he laughed his laugh was low and deep "so what's your name" he said I smiled glad that I'm making friends "I'm amara" I said he hesitated "that's the princesses name" he said I rolled my eyes why does everybody have to know who I am "yep it is" I said he smiled shaking it off there was somebody approaching behind me and I turned to look it was Daniel walking quickly towards me his hair still slightly wet my heartbeat quickens then died down he stepped behind me a girl stepped next to him he was brunett her hair was long shorter then mine she was pretty I guess her eyes had huge purple circles under them and she looked like she had just been attacked by a bear she slipped her hand into his and kissed him on the cheek he grimaced but accepted it anger burst through me and I turned back to the boy "so what's your name?" I asked he smiled "I'm Marcus" he said I smiled Marcus that's a good name a nice name I smiled "do you wanna sit with me?" He asked I smiled "of course your the first friend I've made here" I said enthusiastically he smiled back at me We got to the front of the line and they put a scoop of brown sludge into our bowls i grimaced at it it looked like stale porridge that was heated up from a week ago I followed Marcus to a makeshift table and we sat down there was a black haired girl who I sat next to Marcus sat across from me there was a brown haired boy and the red haired girl maybe I shouldn't have sat here I watched as Daniel and the girl walked past to a empty table I scooped the porridge into my mouth I didn't really taste like anything it had a hint of honey at least they tried I ate the whole bowl without talking to any of them I stood up and put the bowl on the growing pile of dirty dishes Daniel came up behind me the girl not in sight "do you want me to show you around?" He asked Marcus was approaching us I nodded quickly at Daniel and we strode off he walked around the medow I followed he pointed out where all the food was made there wasn't much to see just a bunch of useless huts one main hit for meeting I guess he showed me the trail they leaded to the village they send a group of five people out every month to get food and supplies "and this is the infirmary" he said we went inside there were a few people who were getting stitches they were terrible "I can help in here I took a few medical classes befor I worked in the castle I was top of my class" I said he smiled and walked to a woman who looked like she was in charge she had short platinum blonde hair she looks tired she looked up from her patient she looked irritated "can I help you with something" she said she was definitely mad "I have a helping hand" Daniel said gesturing to me I smiled shyly she nodded "we will take whatever help we can get" she said she grabbed my wrist and pulled me to a table "thank you Daniel well we you later" the woman said she was suddenly on a brighter mood he smiled and waved at me and walked out she let go of my arm when we were at the desk and pulled out a pair of gloves "you will be on sutures today anybody need a cut sewn you got it" she said I nodded and slipped the rubber gloves on she handed me a sister kit it had sutures and bandages nothing like the kits we had in the caste when I took my years of classes but I doesn't matter I can make this work she gave me a pair of forceps and sent me off to my first patient a man Probably forty he had a three inch hash across his head he moved the ice bag and I got straight to work sewing in the Sutures one by one carefully so it hopefully won't leave a scar I stood up and smiled at my handiwork I handed him a cracked mirror I raised his eyebrows "where'd you learn to do this?" He said moving the stitches around seeing how tight they were "I took medical classes" I said he smiled and stood up "don't get it wet for the next 48 hours and if it shows any signs of infection come back with an infection on the face you can go blind" I said waving him out of the door I did several more face cuts some infected I gave them as much medicine I could but it was mostly just antiseptic cream that never helps anything I worked slowly but got through all my patients as night started falling the blonde woman come over to me sitting taking a drink of water "you look tuckered out" she said smiling I nodded and smiled "yeah I am" I said she smiled sympathetically at me " I'll take the night shift tonight you be ready for it tomorrow" she said I nodded gratefully "now go home and get some rest" she said I stood up and walked out of the door and back to me and Daniels hut I walked in he was already here sitting on my bed with his back against the wall his hands behind his head shirtless I pulled my shirt off and inclipped my bra not caring if he was watching I pulled the satin pajama shirt on and pulled my leggings off pulling my panties off with them replacing them with a more traditional plain black pair they rode low on my hoops they were cheeky I could feel his eyes burning holes into me I pulled mother shorts on and sat next to him on my bed closing my eyes rolling my shoulders I took a deep breath in feeling the tightness in my shoulders streetcars I winced in pain "sore?" He asked from beside me I needed rolling my head back trying to relive some of the tightness I felt his hands rubbing my shoulders "here" he said massaging the knots in my shoulder and neck I moaned in relief "right there" I said quietly as he rubbed his thumbs into the flesh behind my shoulder blade his hands moved down my back on my pinched waist from wearing corsets since I was twelve I leaned back resting my head on his shoulder his head was next to mine his face turned towards me his hands on my waist now trailing up to my breasts his finger traced the outline of my bow hard nipple his lips brushed my neck his tong grazing along it his hands carefully cupping my breast my breath was coming faster now and heavier I felt his hot breath on my neck I turned my head so our lips were inches away I shifted myself so I was pressing against him he pulled me close to him he pulled my head to his and kissed me my stomach did backflips I kissed him back pulling his head to me his tong creeping up into my mouth teasing me I sucked his lower lip into my mouth and softly bit it he moaned and turned me so I was straddling him his hands on my lower back making me rock back and forth against him his hands slipped under the waistband of my shorts that's when I came back to full consciousness and realized what was really happening my eyes flew open I pulled back I jumped of the bed stepping back to the other wall my her in my face "we can't be doing this" I said he stood up staying next to my bed "amara it's ok" he said stepping towards me I held my hand out "no stay there" I said I slipped my slippers on "I-I'll be back" I said and ran out the door I didn't know where I was going but I had to get away from him for a while I walked down a path that led to a well I got to the well and stood at the edge of it looking into it's depths there were footsteps behind me "Daniel I" I started then I turned around it wasn't Daniel it was Marcus I sighed he smiled walking towards me shirtless in joggers "oh I though you were somebody else" I said smiling running my had through my hair he smiled a perfect smile "just me" he said putting his hands out "I think" he said looking behind him "unless" he said I laughed he smiled and came to stand next to the well with me "what are you doin out here in the middle of the night" he said I sighed "I couldn't sleep" I lied looking at my feet he watched me "has anybody ever told you how beautiful you are" he said looking me deep in my eyes I blushed "Well a few times" I said looking at him his eyes glinted it's something he wanted something from me and I felt it wasn't good the stepped towards me I stepped back and he left approaching me until I was backed up against a tree "Marcus..." I said my voice full of fear "oh amara you don't have to be scared" he said he was nervous the smile on his face was terrifying "Marcus back up" I said putting my hands on his bare chest pushing but he wouldn't move "oh no Amara that's not going to happen" he said laughing at my poor attempts to push him off me he grabbed my hands and pinned them above me on the tree so I couldn't move "I'm going to scream" I said he laughed "nobody will hear you" he said his face close to mine he forced his lips on mine I opens my mouth and he stuck his tong in I bit down I felt his blood fill my mouth he screamed in pain and threw me to the ground he staked over to me kicking my side I flipped and stood up sprinting on the direction of the path but there was somebody coming down it it was Daniel he stormed past me and straight to Marcus he punched him I the face it's what looked like all of this strength Marcus fell to the ground bleeding from a cut on his cheek Daniel came over to me my side stung from the kick he helped me up and we ran back to our hut he kept pace with me until we reached our hut we got until we got inside he turned to me anger and sympathy glowing in his beautiful blue eyes "why did you leave the hut" he said angrily "I've never done that with anybody before" I said standing with my back against the wall his back against his wall "I've never even kissed somebody" I said trailing off hi eyes went from angry to sympathetic and he nodded "me...either..." he said looking at his feet he was bushing I smiled it was both of our first times I stepped forward "so you've never" I paused "touched anybody the way you touched me?" I asked taking another step forward smiling he stepped forward too "nope" he said "I guess your just really special" he said I smiled and we were only a step apart he stepped forward closing the gap pulling me to him by the hips my breath caught in my throat I smiled "what are you doing?" I asked he smiled and leaned in for a kiss I pulled away "you know I'm really tired I think I'm going to go to sleep" I said waking away from him making him want me even more the chase is killing him I can tell I bent over my bed and climbed in he was still watching me in the dark I smiled "goodnight" I said and rolled on my side he groaned and climbed into bed "goodnight" he said begrudgingly I smiled and fell fast asleep

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