Chapter two

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Night was falling fast I slipped onto the leather pants and black strapless top that ruffled around the breasts just because I hate being royal doesn't mean that I can't run away if fashion I slipped into the black combat boots and pulled the leather jacket on I sling the black duffle bag over my shoulder I packed my mother's tiara she gave me in it at the very bottom I'm going to miss her but this is for the better I left my letter for her on the pillow and slipped out of my room and down the corridor quietly treading along the carpet there were footsteps approaching the corner and I ducked into a closet the guard marched passed I held my breath as not to be caught when I didn't hear the footsteps I stepped out of the closet I peaked around the corners before I went around finally I was in the kitchen I took a deep breath before I pushed open the emergency exit  the alarm blasted loud and instantly there were sirens I ran as fast as I could for the castle wall I climbed up the tree to the thin branches at the top I was forty feet in the air I climbed to the edge of the branches and looked at the wall ten feet away from me I didn't realize it was that far I looked down to the ground below then back to the top of the wall I took a deep breath and walked back along my branch a few paces I took a deep breath and blinded towards the edge of the wall and pushed off with all my strength I reached for the wall and I crashed  into it I grabbed it it was about three feet thick I kicked my legs up and over the wall laying on my stomach as not to be seen I had to crawl twenty feet along the wall to reach the next tree I got on my hands and knees and crawled there were Guards swarming around the bottoms of the wall I went as quick as I could I reached the tree and it was closer only about two feet away I stood up and jumped into the branches I'm out of the grounds I shimmied to the trunk and made my way down the tree until I was ten feet above the ground I jumped landing gently on my feet but pain seeded through my legs I ignored it I had no time I sprinted to the forest a mile away I ran and pushed as hard as I could the forest approached faster than I expected i ran one hundred yards in and stopped bracing myself on the nearest tree gripping the stitch in my side gasping in air I grabbed my water out of my bag and chugged down water I sighed sliding down the tree smiling I did it I made it out I laughed out loud and a stick snapped off to my left my head whipped towards it it had gone quiet I stood up walking towards it there were quick steps away that sounded oddly human I followed them they got quicker running through the forest and I followed until they suddenly came to a stop I kept running towards them I ran right into a girl I fell to the ground she did too "god damnit" the feminine voice said I stood up quickly the girl stood up to "who the hell are you" she snapped at me she was young like me her hair was vibrant red her face was dotted with the same color as her hair her eyes bright and green framed by black lashes her nostrils flared in anger I was taken aback by her anger "I-" I started she glared at me more "I'm amara I lived in the village I'm running away" I said making up the story of the spot she raised an eyebrow "amara isn't that the princesses name?" She asked shoot my brain worked fast "funny isn't it" I said laughing it off she didn't laugh my smile faded "who are you" I said she glared even more "it doesn't matter" she said grabbing my arm and pulling me with her "hey" I exclaimed trying to pull back as I stumbled behind her but her grip was strong "just come with me" she said but letting go of my hand I followed her reluctantly we walked in what seemed like useless zig zags deep into the forest untill I note see we were on a path a worn patch in the grass I sighed then I realized there were torches of fire hanging in rackets on the trees I lifted my eyebrows "where are we going?" I asked then the path opened into a meadow I stopped dead on my tracks there were little huts all around the medow fires burning in Pits and people walking around a few stopped and started at me the girl didn't let got of my wrist I tried to pull away but she just tightened her grip she started moving again towards the center of the huts everybody stopped to whisper to the person next to them the youngest looked just younger than me and the oldest was about dead the girl yanked me next to a large fire next to a man in all black everybody here was in all black the man was large with muscles ripping across his back arms and chest his hair was over grown and black there was a smell coming off of him that was absolutely revolting anybody in the castle that smelled like that would be throwing to the dungeons the girl tapped him on the shoulder he turned his face was ridden with scars he looked at her then up at me and stood up he had to be close to seven feet he tower above us both i cowered "I found this girl at the edge of the forest" she said yanking me forward I yelped In terror the man glowered down at me my knees were feeling weak and the castle didn't sound so bad right now but I shook that thought off he grunted and looked me up and down "what were you doing in the woods?" He asked me he didn't sound as scary as he looked "I was running away from the village I ran into her in the woods" I said she finally let go of my wrist I looked around there was a crowd of people around us and it was growing he nodded "I don't see why that's a problem" he said I looked around the crowd and one face stuck out I started onto his eyes they were blue a light vibrant blue his hair was black his face was as if it was chiseled  out of stone his cheekbones were high and his jawline was sharp I followed down his body which was just as perfect as his face his chest broad and his shirt was right across it but around his torso it got loose he stood straight like a royal but that would be impossible he smiled at me a perfect smile and winked I blushed and quickly looked away back at the large man and the redhead "well Katherine take her to her quarters" he said she glowered at me I smiled sheepishly she pulled me away from the crowd I pulled my wrist out of her grip and followed her to a hut she pushed through the entersnce there were two beds one was already on use with a bag sitting on it with a pillow and a handmade blanket with holes in it I threw my bag on the cot and sat down she stood her arms crossed  "your bunking with a boy" she said I smiled up at her "you missed dinner breakfast is at seven" she said and stormed out of the hut I sighed and leaned back against the wall and looked around the hut I could hardly see there was no light i inzipped my bag and pulled the blanket and pillow I packed out laying them on the cot I slipped out of my boots and stood to change my pants I unzipped the side and peeled them off revealing my black cheeky panties with lace trimming I pulled the strapless shirt off revealing the
black lacy bra my mother went all out when I had boobs big enough to fit in anything other than training bras I sighed at the relief and turned around digging through my bag the door to the hut swung open and the black haired boy walked in not noticing me at first he looked up and his jaw dropped looking over my perfect body lingering on my boobs I spun around quickly I saw him bite his lip as his eyes traced down the plaines of my body I grabbed my satin pajamas and pulled the shorts on I sighed and I reached back and I clipped my bra sliding it off I heard his breath hitch in his throat I sipped the shirt on and buttoned it up I turned and slipped into my bed "your not from the village" he said it wasnt a question it was a statement  I sat up and turned towards him he was sitting on his bed shirtless in black pants they looked loose and they rode low on his hips showing his muscles it was my turn for my breath to get caught in my throat I quickly recovered and looked at my face "I'm not?" I said raising my eyebrows she smiled his perfect white smile "no a commoner wouldn't have that nice satin just laying around it costs money that the villagers don't have" he said he's smart I made up a new story "I was from the village but they chose me to be a maiden at the castle I worked my way up until I was the hand maiden to the princess" I said he nodded thet made sense to him "so why'd you leave?" He asked I sighed he was asking too many questions I'm not going to be able to keep up the steady stream of answers "because the castle gets stuffy you know?" I said he nodded as if he did know that's odd how would he know I brushed it off he stood up walking closer to me I watched him moving closer to me he looked down on me he bent over his blue eyes outing into my green ones "you look familiar" he whispered his perfect lips inches away from mine I let out a little moan he smiled his hands on either side of me on my bed "there's something about you...that'" he said I shivered he pushed off the bed and turned back to his bed "I'm going to figure it out" he said looking at me as he payed on his bed almost as if he was taking to himself he turned on his back I laied down pulling my blanket up to my chest I rolled over to the boy "what's your name"
I said he didn't look at me "Daniel what's yours" he said I sighed "amara" I said rolling back over I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep I dreamed about him Daniel he was over me almost kissing me his hands were around mine pinning them above my head he pressed his finger to my lips silencing me for some reason but I was happy to be this close to him the dream continued but I can't remember

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