Chapter 2_ up all night

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Yesterday when I entered the contest, I didn't think it could make me a total mess.

I've been up since 5am, trust me, that has never happened, not even on a school night.

As much as I hate to admit, thoughts of the contest results was what kept me awake.

I stood up from my bed and started pacing around my room back and forth, when I heard a knock on my door.

"Mom?" I call out knowing she'd be the one, since we were the only ones staying in the house, it used to be a home though.

She opened the door and walked in.

"I noticed your lights on, it seemed odd" she said, concern etched on her face.

I sighed and walked over to my bed, mom also followed, then we sat.

I crossed my legs Indian style so I was facing mom.

"What's wrong, honey?" she asked placing her hands on my shoulder.

I briefly explained how Lizzy showed me the contest, how I entered the contest, and how I'm a nervous wreck right now.

"That's it?" Mom asks rolling her eyes and I shot her a questioning look.

"What do you mean?" I questioned, still confused.

"I mean you're gonna win, stop stressing over this".

Maybe Wendy told her this too, I wondered.

Mom has always been this way, very confident, a little overconfident atimes but, circumstances didn't leave her a choice.

"You think?", I ask fiddling with my fingers.

"Scratch that, I know", I smiled almost convinced.

"Alright enough about me, let's talk about you".

I said not wanting to be selfish, then she told me about the new friend she made at work, I'm guessing it's a guy but, I dropped it.

I got so engrossed in the conversation that, I totally forgot about the contest.

After a while, I fell asleep in mom's arms, and was finally able to sleep peacefully.

I finally only woke up, due to a beep from my phone.

I checked the clock and it was 11am, wow I really slept, mom must have left for work by now.

I stretched and groaned before reaching for my phone, I had a few notifications but, only one caught my attention.

'Glam me results' I sucked in a sharp breath, as I continued to stare at my phone, not wanting to tap the notification afraid of what I'll see.
Fuck, this is so hard.
Instead of reading the email, I texted Lizzy.

'get ur ass here if u want ur frnd alive'

She didn't reply, but I could imagine her running down the street to get here, I smiled at the thought.

After about five minutes the doorbell rang. Wow, she really did run.

I raced outside my room and opened the door, revealing a panting Lizzy.

She stared at me, more like accessed me, for a few seconds then practically shouted.

"You're fucking alive?" I smiled sheepishly.

"Who said I wasn't, Wendy?" I attempted a joke, but clearly it only made her more angry.

"Seriously, why'd you send that text, I got scared" I sighed and motioned for her to come in and she went straight to the kitchen with me in tow, to get water.

"I ran 200 freaking metres only to find you in your bed hair and okay?" I ran my hands through my hair absent mindedly at the mention of it.

"I'm sorry" I said half sincere.

"Well, maybe you should say it, like you mean it".

Damn, that's why this girl is my best friend, she knew me inside out. I rolled my eyes and dragged her to the living room.


I said in one breath as if I was suffering from dyslexia.

Lizzy just stared at me blankly.

"Give me your phone" she demanded, stretching out her hands and, I handed it over to her thankfully.

She read the mail and didn't show any emotion as she did so.

  I couldn't tell what to expect, instead, she looked back and forth, between the phone and me making panic inside.
Then she finally spoke.
"Can you take this?"

Well sorry I'm not sorry for the cliffhangers. Pls kindly share this book, comment and press the star button.
Love y'all 🧡

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