Chapter 3

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Freddie pov

The next days were similar, I was looking for food, and Frank was looking for cans that we could sell, and then we returned to the tent. I do not know how many days I spent like this, I stopped counting after 3 weeks from my arrival in the city, sometimes together with Frank we went to work on the construction site. Now another day is getting up and we have a hard day ahead, so I have to prepare.

Narrator pov

That day Freddie and Frank went looking again, found little, but they were glad that they had found anything at all, when they were about to return, Freddie offered to go to the richer parts of the city, Frank agreed but reluctantly and went together. After some time, Freddie finds several phones and laptops.

-You were right to say that we should come here, there's so much scrap metal here that we'll be able to eat in the restaurant for a week. Frank says pleased

- No, we won't scrap it. Freddie disagrees

-What do you want to do with it? Frank asks

-Fix. Freddie replies

-You know how to repair telephones and computers? Surprised Frank asks

- I have been interested in technology since I was a child and I have experimented with it a lot and I can fix a lot of things. Freddie replies

-You see, you are not a loser, you can repair computers, this is a great skill, my brother started similarly and you see how they develop it, we can fix them and sell them. Says Frank

-And we will buy a decent tent for the money. Says Freddie

-This is a great idea, just what do you need to repair them? Frank asks

- Parts and basic tools such as a soldering iron. Freddie replies

-They have soldering irons on the scrap, maybe they could lend us. Says Frank

-Well, let's go to them. Says Freddie

Freddie and Frank go to the scrap metal and manage to borrow the tools they need and they go back to their tent and go to sleep.

Frank's pov

The light wakes me up, I get up, I rub my eyes and see Freddie repairing one of the phones.

Nobody is Pov

-Freddie, where did you get the electricity? Frank asks

-I connected to the power supply from the neighboring building. Freddie answers as he continues his work

-But how did you do it? Surprised Frank asks

- With my knife, I stripped the insulation off the cables and connected to the wire we found yesterday. Explains Freddie

-But it was dangerous, didn't you electrocute yourself? Frank asks worried

-Oh there, not the first time, not the last time, but somehow I had to get electricity. Freddie replies

-But, are you okay? Weren't you scared? Frank asks

-In my life I have nothing to lose, everything I could have lost, and what would happen to me? At most I would die, but no one would cry for me anyway. Freddie replies

- I would have wept, you are my best friend, you looked after me as I fell off a ladder at a construction site last month. Says Frank

-Oh there, I took care of you a little, I didn't do a big deal. Freddie replies

-You have done a lot for me, I am glad that God sent you and you will be able to fix one? Curious Frank asks

-I have already repaired 2 laptops and I know what to do with the rest, and now I put together one of the working parts from these 3 phones. Freddie replies

- You've done a lot ,how long have you been doing? Frank asks

-I couldn't sleep so I decided to do something, but when I started it was dark and it's already morning. Freddie replies

-I forgot that you don't count the time anymore. Says Frank

-I have no such need, and I have nothing. Freddie replies

-That might leave yourself at least one phone call, you will be able to check the time. Frank proposes

-I don't need to know him. Freddie replies

-We could use a clock, because we would know when we have to come back from the search. Frank tries to convince him

-It is good if you want it, I will leave one phone and a laptop, I will check the latest technology on them and learn the homeless person does not have to be uneducated. That's right Freddie

-It's just that, if you want to repair equipment, you need to be up to date and learn, because you don't know what awaits you in life. Corrects Frank.

- Nothing is waiting for me anymore. Freddie replies

- Don't say that, because you don't know it I am now going on a search, are you coming with me? Frank asks

-No, I want to finish with these computers today, maybe today also go where we were, maybe you will find something interesting, and when I finish, I'll go and look around. Freddie proposes

-Well, don't go far, lest you get lost. Frank asks

- Relax, I'll be fine. Freddie calms him down

Frank went looking, found a few more laptops and decided to bring them, and Freddie finished fixing what he could and found some food and returned to the tent. After a few hours, Frank returned, they had dinner together, and went to sleep.

Frank's pov

Freddie really knows how to repair equipment. I thought he was just saying that, but now I can see that he was telling the truth. I really have never seen anyone so young do so much. Now that he has a job, it seems to me that he is a little better. I am glad that it is his work that helps him fight sadness.

A/N Hello, here is the next chapter. What do you think about it so far? Hope you like it. Greetings.

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