Chapter 13

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Freddie pov

In recent days, we have opened our store and headquarters in Seatle, now we are looking for employees for the production of telephones. We will employ everyone, preferably the homeless, I want to help people who were in a similar situation as me by giving them a job, during the weekend I am going with Frank to set up a factory in Detroit, but today I want to do something that I have been planning for a few days, I hope it will succeed.

Pov the narrator

Freddie dresses up in his best suit and goes to Carly with Sam.

-Freddie, you are very handsome in this suit, but why are you wearing that now? We're going to Carly's. Sam asks jealous

-Don't be jealous, and for that I have a very good reason about you. Freddie replies

-What? Curious asks Sam

-You will see at the performance. Freddie replies

-I hate it when you're so mysterious. Sam says with a grumpy face

-I hope you will speak differently when you return. Freddie replies

-I doubt it. Says Sam

Freddie and Sam reach Carly's apartment and enter it.

-Hello, Freddie, you're so handsome, I wish I were a friend of mine. Carly says, looking at Freddie coquettishly

-Don't say that, it'll upset Sam, but it's all for her. Freddie replies

-Just Carly, he's my boyfriend so don't go against him and I hope he doesn't do the same as Jonah. Says Sam from the evil one

-I promise you, Sam, I won't. Freddie tries to calm her down

-I also promises you that I will not courage, you are so lucky that you have each other, why can't I have a boyfriend? Carly asks sad

-You'll find another promise. Says Freddie, trying to console Carly

-I hope that will happen, and can you reveal what we are going to do on Icarly? Asks Carly.

-At the beginning you will say about my return and I will advertise my company and then you will do whatever you want, but at the end I will do one more thing which will not take long. Explains Freddie

-Okay let's go, the show starts in 5 minutes. Says Carly, and they all head to Icarly's studio

During the program

-Hello people, happy Sam here. Says Sam speaking as he starts the show and smiles

-And beautiful Carly. Says Carly

-And this is Icarly. Carly and Sam are talking together

-You've probably noticed that something is missing, right? Sam asks

-Yes, today there's no a candle before Freddie's picture, but that's because he's here with us, come say hello to Freddie. Carly says, inviting Freddie with her hand. Freddie switches cameras and walks over to the girls while Sam presses a button on his remote and there is a sound of applause.

-Hello, you may not believe, but I am really alive and well, later I will tell my story, but I invite you to see the offer of my company called Benson's, if anyone does not know, we produce electronics and we have our store here in Seattle for a few days so we invite you, we are opening a factory here soon and we are happy to hire workers to work there, so if you want to make telephones and other electronics or something else, we invite you. And now we come back to the program. Says Freddie coming back behind the camera

Most of the show was over and Carly signaled to Freddie that it was over so Freddie took the initiative again.

-It's almost over, but Freddie wants to do something else, so come over here, Freddie. She says Carly and Freddie walks over to Sam and puts his arm around her

-Look people, you know Sam? Now she is my girlfriend and that's why I need your help, I want you to witness what will happen now, so that Sam can't sneak out, and now (Freddie kneels down in front of Sam and takes her hand.

-What are you doing Freddie? Sam asks scared
-Sam, calm down and listen, I love you so much, you are so beautiful that every look at you makes me speechless and I know that even the best writers of this world cannot describe your beauty, Sam the day I saw you and admitted you that you love me, I became the owner of the greatest treasure on earth, you became my girlfriend, I was so afraid that I even ran away from you, I know that we did not always get along, but I know that now it will be, and even if there are quarrels, it does not matter, because they say that there is no good marriage without a quarrel, and now I ask you Sam, let me achieve full happiness and answer yes, if you tell no sure I'll come back to Vancouver and live a homeless life, and now I know it's too early, but anyway I waited a long time and suffered a lot waiting for this moment, so I have a question myself. Will you marry me? Freddie says looking into Sam's eyes and pulls out the ring

-Yes of course. Sam replies smiling

Then Freddie gets up, puts on a ring for Sam and they kiss.

-None of you probably did not expect it, neither did I, but I think that everyone will agree to wish them luck. Carly says smiling and applauding

-Thank you Carly, Freddie says, breaking the kiss.

-Freddie, that ring is beautiful. Sam says looking at the ring

-I thought so too, but when I see it on your finger I can see that it fades with your beauty. Freddie replies

-OOO, you're so cute Says Sam and kisses Freddie

- Goodbye so goodbye and look at Benson's offer I tell you it's worth it, not because Freddie is my friend, but as a user of it, now goodbye, maybe in the next Icarly Freddie will tell us his story which is really exciting but and so difficult until the next one. Carly says, waving goodbye

-And I want to tell you to remember today's words, Sam, so that she does not try to escape. Says Freddie speaking, turning to the camera

-I won't, I love you. Sam replies

-Love you too. Says Freddie and he kisses Sam

-The end. Says Carly ending the show

-Sam, that ring is great, Freddie you had a great idea to do it here, congratulations. Carly says looking at the ring

-Thank you. Sam replies

Sam and Freddie are kissing.



Freddie and Sam are getting married on the day of their 8th anniversary of their first kiss. They later have 3 children. Icarly continues and Pear is acquired by Benson's. And Marissa and Frank also get married a year after Freddie's wedding.

A/n Hello, this is the end of this story. I hope you will like it. Thanks for the stars and adding this to your lists so I know there are people who like it despite the mistakes. Sorry for the mistakes, hope you can understand anyway. Now let's look at the continuation of Freddie's leaves. Do you think this story should also be continued? Write what you think. If you have any story suggestions, even onshots, please send them, and if you have a difficult topic for a story write to me, I will be happy to take on any challenge. Best regards and thank you for reading this story.

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