Chapter 2: R-Richie?

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Eddie walked walked out of the arcade, walking to bill's house. He was upset but that didn't change his love for Richard, he knew he didn't mean to hurt him. It just happened that's all. Once Eddie got to William's house he crawled up into his window, Ed saw Billy and Stan making out. He didn't mind much but he still got slightly jealous. "Hey bill-" he mumbled "Hey Stan" Stan pulled back and turned red "E-Eddie? Hey!" Bill looked over waving "Hm? Whuh-what's up?" Eddie looked at his wrist "..Richie— he uhm.. he got upset with me" he tried holding back tears, but they fell no matter what "B-but that's okay.. I know he didn't mean it" Stanley walked over to him, whispering something into his ear. Eddie nodded, hugging Stanley. 

Bill went over to the door, "I'm gonna go grab something, you two stay here?" Stanley gave a slight nod in agreement. Bill ran down the stairs, entering the kitchen grabbing the phone. He started to call up Richie but,, no answer. After the fifth time of trying to call him, Richie finally picked up. "Eddie, I don't wanna talk. You almost made everyone know that I'm a homosexual, I don't understand why-" he got cut off. Bill sighed "Ruh-Richie. No, why would you hurt huh-hu-him! He-He only wuh-wanted to give you lu-love! What the hell!?" Richie sighed "Of course he told you.., Whatever Bill. I'm not talking to you about this, it's none of your fucking business." He hung up, leaving Bill stonefaced. Bill rubbed his face in disbelief "Uh-Eddie was ruh-right" he thought to himself "He's just upset.. that's all" He put the phone away than went back to where Stanley and Edward were. He looked at them cuddling  on the bed, he smiled at Stan than at Eddie where he seemed to be half-asleep at the moment. Bill joined them, spooning Stan as he was playing with his blonde-ish curly hair. Stanley liked it, but brushed Bill's hand away.

A couple minutes later, Richie showed up. It looked liked his lip was cut and his nose was bleeding for a bit. Richie knocked on the door, Eddie woke up rubbing his eyes "I- I'll get it.." He went downstairs and opened the door. It was Richie "Oh.. Richard? Hey" he yawned, giving him a hug. Richie smiled with guilt "Eddie Spaghetti~ I'm uh.. Sorry what happened.. I just didn't want people to hate me, Again.. Sorry love" Eddie smiled, than looked up at him noticing the wounds and bruises "Hey! What happened?!" His eyes widened. Richie shrugged "You know, the usual- anyway I was wondering if you guys wanted to come to the party? You're coming. And the rest are coming,, Ugh anyway- I'll cya there! It's at 6 to whenever the cops come" he laughed even though he was being serious. Edward nodded "Al-Alright! And.. what about your mom?"

"What about her? She's going on a business trip, still surprised the old hag still has a job.. but yeah! She'll be gone.." He kissed Eddie a little "I'll see you in a bit, Babyboy~ don't forget to tell Bill and Stan"  Eddie Nodded. "Okay!"

//Ayo. Sorry that the chapters are really short. I just don't know what to do anymore lmao so yeah- P.S shit about to go down. Eee//

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