Chapter3: I- Fuck you!

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After Eddie told Stan and William about the party they all got dressed and ready to go. Kaspbrak was in a sweatshirt, jeans and converse sneakers. Stanley just in a sweatshirt and shorts w/ boots same with Bill. They walked out the door one after another, Bill looked at them both "Wh-Who's dru-driving?" Eddie shrugged "I cant drive- My mom says I'll get hurt" Stanley nodded at Eddie, letting go of his hand "I will, I guess" He grabbed his keys than got into his car. Same with Billy and Eddie. Stanley backed up, pulling out of the drive way "Is this really a good idea? His emotions flip like a fucking switch." Bill looked at Stan shocked "Stanley Uris!" Stanley scoffed "Nevermind. Sorry Ed's" Eddie nodded "Y-yep!" 

Once they got to Richie's house it was already full with people, Stanley put the car in park than got out. Entering the house with Bill, Eddie was still outside since he was nervous. He took in a deep breath than walked inside following Bill until he saw Richie. Eddie went over to the drink area and got some cups of what he thought was water. He took some sips and shook his head "What the hell-" he said to himself, he turned to Bill "What's this?" Bill shrugged and continued talkin' to Mike. Eddie scoffed than continued drinking it, his throat burned but he didn't mind it one bit. Eddie looked around at the people, his stomach dropped. His eyes filled with tears when his eyes landed on Richie. He couldn't believe he saw Richie giving hickeys to some random girl. Eddie stumbled, running to the bathroom. Locking the door as he fell onto the floor. Richie let Go of the girl shooing her away. His eyes twitched to the sound of a door slamming shut, he walked to the bathroom. It was unlocked, That made Richie uneasy. He didn't want to walk in on someone, but he opened it anyway. He found Eddie sobbing on the floor. Richie sat down next to him trying to grab his hand. Eddie pulled away "Get away from me. I don't w-wanna talk to you, or even see you" Richie looked at him stunned, and slightly pissed off "What-... ..." Eddie looked at him, directly into his eyes. "What the fuck Richard! You cheater! Go back to that Slut! She's better than me anyway!" He yelled at him. Richie's face was blank "I'm sorry Ed's.. I won't do it again babe" he gave a kiss, tucking his fingers inside Eddie's jeans. Edward looked down at his hands, than back at him "Stop.." his breath hitched. Richie continued kissing him, he pulled Eddie's pants down enough it was showing his boxers. Eddie moaned slightly, and continued trying to get him to stop.

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