Part 1.6

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Simon drives his Van to the institute gates. Jace calls shotgun and the Lightwood siblings occupy the backseat, leaving no space for Clary.

"Umm Elly can i -umm-would you mind if I sat-on your lap? I have no place to sit" Clary's cheeks burn as red as her hair.

"Yeah sure." Clary sits on Lizzy's lap. Liz gently wraps her arms around Clary's waist to stop her from loosing her balance. Clary gets butterflies in her stomach from the simple contact.

Simon drives the van to a place under a bridge. Everyone gets out of the van.

"Yeah, this place isn't creepy. Not at all." Simon laughs nervously.

"Don't tell me you're afraid." Izzy smirks at him.

"Are you kidding me? I was born afraid... which sounded a lot better in my head."

"Let's check it out." Alec tells everyone.

"Wait here a minute. I wanna see if it's safe.Let's go Lizzy-bear." Jace drags Liz by her arm.

Clary and Simon stay behind for a moment.

"Why are we doing this? We don't even know these people." Simon asks his bestfriend.

"I just wish my mom had trusted me enough to tell me about all this." Simon looks like he disagrees. "What is it? What's wrong?" Clary sounds concerned.

"How are you not ultra freaked out by all of this?"

"I guess I just always felt like there was something missing. Some void I couldn't quite explain. Things are finally starting to make sense. But none of it's gonna matter unless I get my mom back." She glances at Liz.

"Then let's do that."

"Hey. If something goes wrong... if something happens to her, that's on us. You know that, don't you?" Alec asks Jace.

"Yeah. And you know exactly what'd happen if Valentine gets the Cup before we do. She's lost everything, Alec. I know exactly what that feels like. And what's your problem with her, anyway? Your family always used to welcome strays."

"You were never a stray JC." Liz smiles at Jace sadly.

"The point is, nothing's changed." He looks at Lizzy. "We're in this fight together. There's just... one more of us."

After checking for any dangers, Jace, Alec and Liz return to others.

"Clary. Come on, it's all clear." Jace tells her.

"Elly, would you also come with us?" She asks Liz.

"Of course. Let's go."


"You have to understand, the Silent Brothers are not like us." Jace speaks up.

"They lack your charm and superior people skills?" Clary smiles at the other Shadowhunters.

"Yeah, most people do. Brothers communicate without using words, using just their thoughts." Liz smirks.

"That doesn't sound so bad."

"Don't let their silence fool you. They'll hold the Soul-Sword to your head, and with its blade, carve the truth from your mind. If you're not strong enough, you will die." Liz looks into Clary's emerald eyes, staring into her soul.

"I take it back. That sounds level ten bad."

"Clary, you should know, the pain will be excruciating. You don't have to-"

"I'll do anything. Walk through fire, battle demons, whatever it takes. I have to get my mom back. I can't... I won't lose her." She cuts the Lightwood girl off.

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