The Not So Common Duchess

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Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell was 15 years old when her care-takers decided to enlist her for the relocation program started by the United Federation of Planets.

Planet Earth started to experience the effects of the Nuclear War that men started because they couldn't come to an agreement.

The people started to suffer under them and Nuclear War begins and spread across the world and it finally came to the United States in the 2268 and it spread millions of innocent people from the effects of radiation poisoning, and the food supplies got low, water becomes undrinkable, and the the earth could no longer sustain plant life.

Food started to get rationed out, so did water, and Karissa care-takers looked upon her as a burden and another mouth to feed.

They decided to sign her up for the relocation program that would transport 500 young people to one of 10 Star Bases.

Karissa caretakers decided on Star Base 12 and they didn't give her a choice. They simply told her that they had their own children to feed and they were sending her away.

Karissa looks at her care-takers and she walks into her room in San Francisco and starts packing up her clothes, jewelry, and cherished pictures of her family and fiance who succumbed to radiation poisoning and died of it one by one.

When her care-takers drove to the Federation transportation center. They opened up the door of their care, helped her with her suitcases and Karissa carried her suitcases by hand to where she would wait and board the USS Republic.

She didn't even say "Good-bye" to her care-takers and they didn't say "good-bye" either; they just drove away.

499 young people were boarding The USS Republic along with her between the age of 15 -20 years old that were unaffected by the radiation poisoning. Most of them were orphans and had lost their families due to the radiation poisoning.

The United Federation of Planets wanted to give these young people that were orphans to start a new life on one of the Star Bases.

They were blessed ones as they were still capable of having children and they were thankful that they could still have children.

Some saw Karissa walk up and they said 'Hello to her." and she answered "Hello" back to them.

Some were excited about their journey and some weren't so excited, but it offered them a chance to begin over all.

Finally one of the officers started to call out the names to board the USS Republic and the officer called out her name "Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell" and she walked up carrying her suitcases and the officer told her quarter number and said, " If you need anything just ask for Yeoman Rand."

"Yeoman Rand will see that your journey is made comfortable as it will take us 41/2 years to reach Star Base 12 and we have to orbit over Rigel Seven pick up some passengers." The officer explains.

"If you have any questions you may ask Officer O'Hara and he will tell you whatever you need to know." Officer Fitzgerald tells her.

Yeoman Rand greets her and says, "I am your yeoman for your deck 7 and you are in quarter number 8."

"We are a co-ed Starship. There will be both men and women on your deck. There is a dining room, a recreational quarters, we offer three meals a day, and we have a library and garden on board." Yeoman Rand tells her.

"We have a commissary on board with toiletries if you need some, and there is sick-bay on board too with a medical officer." Yeoman Rand explains.

"Our Commanding officer is Captain Timothy James, First officer is Lt.Commander McDonald, or Medical Officer is Lt. Commander David Silver." Yeoman Rand explains.

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