I'm not going to flirt with him!

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Hogwarts Library, October 31st 1990, 3:18 p.m.

I finished my final potions assignment for the week and moved onto the rest of my homework. Luckily, it happened to be my favorite holiday, providing some motivation for me. Also the fact that there would be a Halloween scavenger hunt tonight that I was determined to beat George at.

George shot his head next to mine, standing behind me. Speak of the devil, I thought.

"Are you ready to humiliate yourself when you lose tonight?" he cheerily asked.

"Talking to yourself?"

"You know what you should dress up as tonight?"

"What's that, George?"

"A bitch." He gasped, "Oh wait!"

I turned to him, looking him up and down, "Nice douchebag costume you got there."

He grinned, "Thanks!"

I rolled my eyes and turned back to my growing pile of homework.

He walked around the table and sat across from me.

"That conversation wasn't an invitation for you to join me."

He ignored me, propping his feet on the table.

"Can't do that."

"Says who."

"The sign!"

"I don't see a sign."

I pointed towards the door with my pencil. "See it now?"

He set his bag down, his feet still on the table might I add. I watched out of the corner of my eyes as he grabbed a box of Bertie Bott's from his bag.

I let out a deep sigh, finally sitting up and making full eye contact with him. "You're the worst, you know that?"

"Who? Me?"

"If you get me kicked out of this library you'll never hear the end of it. And I mean that, George Weasley."

"I'll buy some earplugs."

Hogwarts corridor, December 12th 1991, 11:47 a.m.

I walked down the long corridor, making my way to transfiguration. Ruth had muggle studies so we split ways after DADA.

It was freezing outside. It was officially time to switch to a long sleeve sweater as opposed to a vest. My sister had enchanted a pair of opaque tights that kept me warm, they really came in handy. I had my navy blue and grey scarf folded up inside my brown satchel. I also had on a pair of thick socks under my brown mary janes.

Before there was anything I could do about it, the hood of my robe was over my head, completely blocking my vision. I didn't even have to guess who it was. "Weasley!" I yelled. I pulled it down just in time for George to grab my bag from my shoulder and start running down the corridor. "George Weasley you give that back right now!"

"Unlikely!" he screamed from up ahead of me.

I caught up to him and promptly jumped on his back, scrambling to grab my bag.

"Look Fred, I've grown a parasite!"

I rolled my eyes and continued reaching for my bag, his long arms holding it just past my reach.

"You're crushing my spleen."

"George, you don't even know where your spleen is."

"Well wherever it is, you're crushing it."

Loathe to love- A George Weasley Y/N fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now