That's a stupid idea

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After quickly changing, I dried my hair and received many compliments. I styled it and began my makeup. I kept it natural and minimal. I called Ruth into the bathroom to do my eyeliner, she had always been good at it. Once she finished, I checked the time. It was 7:34.

"Could you help me with my hair?" Amelia asked.

"Yeah, sure." I walked over to where she was seated.

She had half of her blonde hair curled, the other half straight. She was wearing a gorgeous silk dress that was red to match her lipstick. Crap! Lipstick!

I quickly assisted her and asked around for a nude lipstick. There was none.

"I have this dark one!" Jane yelled.

She held it up for me. It was a dark maroon with a hint of purple. Perfect.

I applied it and handed it back to her, "Thank you, love!"

She smiled widely and nodded in response.

The time was 7:47.

I slipped on my heels and gloves, sticking my wand into the hidden dress pocket. I waved by to the rest of the girls and left with Ruth.

Mathew was waiting for her right outside the common room. His eyes immediately lit up when he saw her walk out.

I waved bye and headed to the great hall, where I said I'd meet George.

I turned the corner and saw him standing near the door, talking to Lee. He was leaning against the wall in a black suit. That dapper son of a bitch.

I was almost five feet away from him when he finally noticed me, his eyes slightly lit up but he stopped it. He successfully hid his smile and leaned off the wall.

"Hey handsome."

"Hi..." He muttered, he couldn't focus. He seemed to be entranced, repeatedly looking me up and down slowly. He blinked multiple times before finally spitting some words out. "You look stunning." he whispered.

I leaned up and kissed his cheek. He took my arm and we walked into the hall together.

We waited for the competitors and their dates to walk in. We cheered along with everyone else and watched the eight of them dance together. McGonagall then motioned for the rest of us to join.

Without warning, George grabbed my hand and led me to the floor. He pulled me flush against him, his hand firmly grasping my waist. I wrapped one of mine around his neck, he grabbed my free hand with his, leading me into a waltz. We spun around, gazing into each others eyes as the world around us disappeared. We knowingly smiled at each other, trying desperately to pull the other closer.

Three hours later

The music had abruptly changed from slow to fast and upbeat. George and I danced around, quickly getting tired. We took a quick break to grab a drink.

I walked towards the water... as he pivoted to the fire whiskey.

"That's a stupid idea."

He ignored me, making full eye contact as he drank a shot. Not one wince. He did it again. And again. 

He made his way back to the growing crowd of people while I sat at a table. My feet hurt and there was absolutely too many people. I set his jacket and tie next to me, he wanted to be more comfortable.

I noticed Harry and Ron sitting at a table by themselves, looking miserable. I sat down near them, they didn't move a muscle.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Say Y/N... you're a girl." Ron tiredly stated.

"Astute observation."

"Ron they left because we wouldn't dance with them." Harry interjected

"I'd say you got it figured out." I noted, moving back to a different table.

I watched Ruth jump up and down, dancing with Mathew. They were both grinning from ear to ear.

I turned my gaze to George who was dancing near a random group of kids. A Beauxbaton girl was near him, along with some Durmstrang kids. I finished my water and watched George dance it away. He was pretty decent.

His hips didn't lie.

I saw the girl dance closer and closer to him. It's like he didn't seem to notice, or he just didn't care. She slid her hand up his chest as I watched in horror. He smirked and grabbed her waist, sliding his hands down. She undid the first button of his shirt, placing her lips on his. He complied, kissing her back. 

Tears were starting to stream from my eyes. I jumped up and promptly left. I didn't know where to go, and I didn't care if it wasn't midnight yet, I just wanted to leave. I sat down on a bench outside the hall, my vision blurry. I took off my shoes and held my head in my hands. I felt someone sit next to me.

"Hey baby, need some cheering up?" someone disgustingly said as they grabbed me.

"Get off of me dickwad!" I exclaimed before standing up and running back to the tower, shoes in hand.

I collapsed onto my bed, letting the tears fall. Why are you crying? Damn it George, why do you have to be so charming?

Loathe to love- A George Weasley Y/N fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now