Bad Dream (Damon)

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She was dead...

"Elena, NO!"

Actually dead...

"What the hell is wrong with you?! You know I love her!!"

Stefan yelled back, "So did I! It wouldn't have worked out anyway! She wasn't Katherine!!"

"Yeah... she was better."


Waking up to the sound of piercing screams scared Elena. She had to calm herself down before slowly creeping her way to Damon's room. She'd been staying there at the Salvatore house for a few days to get away from Tyler, who had been invited in her house without actual permission.

The house was dark, and the floorboards creaked with the slightest footsteps. She went into his bedroom, running when she realized how loud his screams really were.

"Damon! Babe! Damon, wake up!"

He was tossing and turning in his sleep, which wasn't exactly the best sight. Elena tried shaking his shoulders but she wasn't strong enough to break his movement.

"Why would you kill her?!" Damon yelled.

He obviously couldn't head a word she said.

"Damon!!" She yelled back. "Wake up! It's not real!! Whatever you're seeing, it's not real!!"

Finally, his eyes shot open, revealing the beautiful blue orbs Elena loved. Fear was the only emotion present, and he instinctively backed away from her.

"Damon, it's me. It's okay."

He took a deep breath then chuckled nervously.

"Of course, it's okay. You're here." He then looked worried. "U-um, are you okay? Bad dream?"

Elena sighed, "I'm not going to let you pretend you're fine right now. Did you wanna talk about your dream?"

"There was no dream. I'm good, Elena, really."

His voice wavered, countering his words. Elena moved closer to him, putting a hand on his. He flinched before relaxing into her touch.


"Shush, you. You're a terrible liar."

They sat in silence for a moment before Elena felt his tears on her shirt. She immediately turned to look at him.

"Hey... what's wrong? What happened?"

He almost looked like a puppy... or a five year old that lost his mom at the mall. The sobbing became evident, and she simply hugged him tighter.

"Babe, talk to me... please.."

"S-Stefan killed..." Damon stuttered out, and his embarrassment burned every part of his being.

It was like invisible vervain involuntarily coming through his chest.

"Killed what? Who?"

"You." The older Salvatore continued, "He killed you a-and he he said it wouldn't work out because you weren't Katherine."

He couldn't look at Elena if he tried. She turned his face toward her anyway.

"I think we both know we're going to be together forever... right?" She said.

"Of course..." he gave a timid smile before it fell seconds later. "But it... it felt so real then, yknow?"

Elena nodded, wiping a few tears away with her thumb. His hand tightened around hers and they stayed in a comfortable silence for a long time.

"I love you, Damon."

"I love you, too."

It was short, I know... sorry guys but what did you think? also the episode I jus watched Elena hurt Damon's feelings with the whole

"No Im mad because I love you!!"

"Well maybe that's the problem."

Yupppp it kinda is but it's okay cuz he's Damon. 💕💕🥰

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