Bad Dream (Elena)

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"Screw you, Jeremy."

"Why? Because I'm the youngest? Because you think I can't handle vampires? I dated one! Two, even! And a damn witch!! I'm not ten anymore, Elena!"

He couldn't see her tears, not that he would've cared if he could. It hurt because she knew he was right. She took away his choice. It was all her fault...


"Elena?" Damon whispered, hearing her soft spoken voice.

She was dreaming. It didn't seem to be a fun dream. He sat up in their bed, rubbing tired eyes and trying to understand what was going on.

"I'm sorry, Jer. I really am! I thought it would protect you!" She yelled, and now Damon was fully awake.

The first thing he did was put two fingers on her head to see in her dream.

I don't need protection!! You're not mom!

Damon's emotion, which he rarely showed, went right up. He couldn't help it. Elena wasn't happy so how in the hell could he be?

He quickly tried shaking her shoulders, gently as not to startle her, but enough to wake her up.

"I'm not mom." Elena whispered. "I know..."

"Elena, snap out of it!!" Damon yelled.

She finally jumped awake. There was a momentary silence as they stared at each other.

"Damon... I-"

"It's okay, El."

Elena looked down at her hands. Her voice broke when she spoke,

"No, it's not..."

She wasn't able to control the tears at that point, letting the sobs take over entirely. Damon immediately hugged her, putting one hand on her head and gently stroking her hair.

"He hates me... and he's right to. I sh-should've never tried to erase everything like that- It was selfish- It was-"

"Brave, Elena." Damon interrupted again. "It was so brave. You were only trying to help. If he can't see that, then he's the problem."


"Please, believe me.... I promise you, Jeremy forgives you, anyway."

She didn't respond this time. Instead, she let Damon take her hand in a silent reassurance. She was mostly calm then, because Damon was being comforting in his own way, and kissed his cheek.

It must've caught him off guard because his smile was one of the most genuine Elena had ever seen. Little did she know, it was simply because he knew she was happy again. It meant he'd actually helped her out.

That kiss meant he meant something to her. Even though she'd done it countless times before, none of them had felt as real as now. That was all Damon wanted.

This felt cheesy for countless reasons but I think it's okay. Anywayssss what do you guys think?

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