1:00 A.M. - The Next Morning

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You wake up to a knock on the door. 


You know that voice. The voice that ruined Peeta and your lives. 


You hop out of bed with a startled mind. "What do you want?" you snap.

"Just listen," she scoffs. "I saw all of it. The song. Everything."

"How-?!" you growl.

"I was spying, alright?! Listen! I have imagery. Proof. Evidence." At this point, you are in shock. 

 "I will. . .expose it, if you don' t do what I say." Katniss finishes.

"What do you want?!" you repeat.

"I want you to take me to the Capitol, so I can. . .finish some business. . ." Katniss demands. "The common denominator is you do that, I'll leave you and Peeta alone for now."

"You better. I'll get the aircraft. We go at 07:00. You have six hours." This was only for Peeta. 

Just Peeta.

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