12 || Cover Story

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     Aizawa sat near the front of the cells, notepad in hand. Glancing around the hallway, and into the bars he saw the faces of some of the intruders. They seemed a mix of relived and excited. Bad had leaned as far towards the bars as he could, and Tommy was bouncing his leg against the concrete floor.

     "I think it should be as close to the truth as possible." He told them. Lies are always more believable if they're imbedded in truth. 

     Tommy groaned, "Well, nobody's going to believe us if we say we're streamers." He said, gesturing with his hand to the various scars across his exposed skin. Aizawa nodded.

     Straightening his worsening posture, he thought for a moment, "Then something to do those improv characters." He said. 

     "We could use them as a base, but we can't exactly do their stories word for word." Ranboo brought up from his cell. Aizawa couldn't see him, so he moved further in so he could see him, Tubbo, Bad and Tommy all at once.

     Aizawa nodded, "What would you have to change?" He asked.

     "Well," Tubbo started, seemingly deep in thought, "You'd have to take out everything about L'Manburg, which is already half of everyone's story." He said.

     Ranboo smiled, "Oh, and you'd have to get rid of Tubbo's making nukes arc." He looked down and behind him. Moving out of the way, he showed Aizawa his left hand, which had a shining golden band scratched from conflict around his ring finger.

      "But I mean, the platonic marriage holds in this world, I guess." He laughed. Tubbo moved and gasped in surprise at his own ring, "Oh! Shiny!"

     Aizawa's head snapped between the two incredulously. He thought they were minors? Were minors getting married 'platonically' in their world? Tommy snickered from his cell and Bad shook his head underneath the hood of his cloak.

     Ranboo shrugged, "Don't ask, we don't have to change too much about that one anyways."

     Aizawa felt a migraine coming on, so he simply dismissed the absurdity of the marriage and moved on.

     Or he tried to.

     "Oh, we also have a son!" Aizawa's eyes widened and he stared at Tubbo, "But he's not here, so putting him in the cover story would be too confusing."

     "You know what." Aizawa groaned, pushing against the front of his skull to try and push out his headache, "Please only bring up the things that matter to the cover story."

     Techno spoke up from the end of the cell hallway, "Well, you said heroes in training earlier, are they those kids that came in?"

     Aizawa nodded and tapped his pen against his notepad, "Yes, they're part of the top class here."

     "They looked like high schoolers and they have scars 'n scratches too, can't Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo pretend to be those?"

     Sitting back, Aizawa pondered, "They could, but that leaves the other four of you need to have stories too."

     "Well we're all obviously older. We could be family members." Bad said. Aizawa shook his head, "No, your appearances also make it pretty obvious your characters have been in fights. The only people here who could plausibly have those scars are heroes, villains, vigilantes and hero students."

     Ranboo tilted his head, "Then can't they pretend to be heroes?"

     Aizawa nodded, "They could, yes, but do you have any combat training?" 

Out Of Place {𝕞𝕔𝕪𝕥 𝕩 𝕓𝕟𝕙𝕒} || DISCONTINUED ||Where stories live. Discover now