15 || Tormented

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{|TW; mentions of violent thoughts|}

     Techno settled into the sleeping bag as best as he could. He removed his skull mask, and tried to go to sleep. Crickets outside sang the group to sleep, the soft noise nice to drift off to.

     Just as his eyes started to weigh, he heard a whisper.

     His ears perked up and he sat up in the sleeping bag quietly. He looked around for the source of the whisper, but nothing was out of the ordinary.

     He sighed, concluding that Dream must've been sleep mumbling. Dream shifted in his sleeping bag for a moment, grumbling and gripping it's built-in pillow.

     Techno looked at him in pity, he must have been having a nightmare. Techno's head snapped up again as he heard the whisper again, it swirled in his ears, discernably not from Dream, instead it was an unfamiliar voice.

     'Put him out of his misery.'

     Techno looked around in a panic. The voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere, and with it came a mind-splitting headache. His mind seared and his ears rung. Something hot trailed out of his nose, and red dripped down his face.

     Techno pushed against his skull, trying to get the hot white pain to stop. An excruciating minute passed, the pain every-so-slowly letting up.

     Finally, he could think again, through the still thumping pain that beat in sync with his heart. 

     "What the..." Techno mumbled, breathing heavily.

     'You heard us, didn't you?' 

     Another whisper surrounded him, but it was a different voice. 

     'Kill him.'

     'Spill his blood.'

     'Bash his brains in.'

     They were all different voices, but equally loud. Techno started to hyperventilated- who was talking to him? Where were they coming from? They were so loud, overpowering his own thoughts.

     'Blood for the blood god!' 

     Techno's eyes shot open in realization. This must've been-

     'Kill him!'

     -Must've been the mixing of himself and his-

     'He's asleep, he can't fight back!'

     -And his character-

     'Now, Blade!'

     -Turns out, he was unfortunate enough to get the voices, so-

     'Do it now!'

     Techno shook his head violently. He couldn't even think without them interrupting. Techno looked away from Dream quickly, hoping it would help. 

     Now that he was out of his line of sight, The chorus of voices begging for him to be killed quieted to a whisper.

     Techno took in the few seconds of slight silence- ignoring the quiet whispers of things he could hardly hear anyways.

     Sucking in a breath, Techno laid down, purposefully facing away from Dream.

     "Jesus..." He mumbled, trying to sleep it away, and hoping to wake up to find the voices magically gone, or that this had been an elaborate lucid nightmare.

Out Of Place {𝕞𝕔𝕪𝕥 𝕩 𝕓𝕟𝕙𝕒} || DISCONTINUED ||Where stories live. Discover now