Chapter 12

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Might be triggering to some readers. Read at your own risk.

As Harry started to hyperventilate, Louis began to panic but he didn't let it get to him. He wrapped his arms around Harry. And started to kiss his the boy's face and head. The boy was still trembling but it lowered down a bit. "I am here Hazza." He said to Harry. "I am here, no one will get to you. I will be by your side. To protect you. To support you baby." Louis whispered in a soft tone. Harry was now coming back to his normal state. "The voices will never get to you baby. We will block them away together. As a team." Louis said while kissing the other lad's forehead. Harry was now back to normal. He squeezed to Louis's side and nudged his head in the older lads chest. Louis tightened his grip around him. After staying in the same position for a good 10 minuted. Louis broke the silence and said, "Come Haz. Let's dress up and then we will talk about this baby."
Harry frowned but nodded. Louis gave Harry his clothes and turned to other side to give him some privacy. Harry smiled at that. He quickly changed into a grey sweat with a blue hoodie and with boxers underneath, obviously.  "I am done." He said and Louis turned back to look at him. Louis just smiled and said, "come".

They were sitting on Louis's bed in Indian style and facing each other.
"Harry, what happened there was none of your fault. Okay? You are a strong lad and you shut off the voices." Louis said.

Harry was looking at him in shock. "How do you know about the voices?"

"I did some research on schizophrenia as a school project so I know about it."

"Umm. Louis Please don't tell anyone else please." Harry begged with tears in his eyes. "Hey Harry. I will never dream of doing it and it's not my place to tell." He replied and then continued, "I want to know all about it Harry so that we can get through this together." Harry tensed at that.
"It's okay if you don't want to share it with me." Louis said.

"You are the only person I want to share this with. But I am scared." Harry said while tears were flowing down his cheeks. Louis wiped away the tears intertwined their fingers. "We'll do it at your pace. "

"Okay." Harry said while smiling. "What do you wanna know?"

"Why did you change school? And I know it's not only because you were bullied about being gay. I know it's not the truth baby. Please you can trust me."

"Here goes nothing." He said. "When it was my sophomore year, I met a guy, his name was Jack. We became friends quite instantly. We used to s-spend all the time together and my family being them never had time for me. So I used to be with Jack all the time. One day we were in my room and he kissed me and I kissed back. He didn't speak of it for a few days until it happened again at his house. He asked me to be his-his boyfriend." He said while breathing quickly. Louis wrapped his arm around the boy and then he continued. "Me being the complete utter idiot said yes. We were happy at least that's what I thought. I even told Gemma about him. She was happy as well. My parents didn't know. But I couldn't have cared less." He said while wiping the few tears. "One day, we were at the park. I asked him when will we come out. He just kissed me and said soon and I believed him. It had been a month and we weren't out. But I didn't say anything. We were happy and that's all that mattered. I fell in love. We both confessed our feelings. I was so happy." He began to sob now. Louis was comforting him. He began to calm down and continued, "One day, we were at my house. No one was at home. We were making out. He began to go too far I tried to stop him. He didn't stop. I pushed him away. He strangled me against the wall and started to suck on my neck. I felt disgusted at him. I loved him and he didn't even care that I didn't want this. I was not ready. I told him that multiple times but he didn't stop. He started to kiss me harshly, I didn't kiss back. His hands began travelling down. He touched me very inappropriately. I finally pushed him away. He got angry and slapped me hard. He then said that he never loved me and I was a fag. He left the house. I began to cry so hard. That's when I had my first panic attack. I went to school next day and everyone was giving me glares. And then I was pushed off to a side and Jack and his friends started to abuse me. I got to know that Jack had told everyone that I came onto him and tried to fuck him when he told me that he was not a gay faggot. That's when the bullying started and it never came to an end. I used to go home and cry everyday and  I do it now also." He clucthed onto Louis and sobbed. Louis also had tears streaming down his face. He assured Harry that it would be fine now that no one can hurt him anymore. Harry quieted down and continued, "At first, it was only just name calling and shoving at the lockers. But it got worse, punches and kicks. And one day I was beaten up so bad and the letter F was càrved on me with a knife  that I had to go to the hospital. I was there for 2 days and I couldn't stop crying. So the doctors checked me brain and found out that I was suffering from anxietal disorder, Ptsd, depression and Schizophrenia. I was shocked but I asked them to not tell anyone. I was released and no one noticed that I wasn't home for 2 days. They asked me how I got the bruises so I said I fell down the stairs. They bought it. I told Gemma that I broke up with Jack. I started to stay in my room and the voices started to happen. They told me to cut and it became a habit. You only saw my arms yesterday." Harry got up and removed his hoodie to show off the scars and then removed his sweats. He showed Louis his scars. He fell to the ground and started to sob. Louis hugged him and said, "Jack was an ass. I will kill him. You don't have to worry about being unsafe here anymore. I will protect you and no one can touch you. Heck even Liam, Niall, Zayn and Gigi will protect you. We will get through this together. You are the kindest and the sweetest. You are gorgeous."

"I am not gorgeous. I am a worthless fag with scars all over his body. No one will ever like me." Harry said while pointing towards the scars.

Louis got up and removed his clothes only staying in the boxers. The tattoos were not the thing that caught Harry's attention but it was the scars all over his torso and thighs.


Cliff hanger?

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