CH 3 'If you make it at New York. You can make it anywhere really'

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((sorry that that other chapter was a bit short but my mistake. I meant to push save and was stupid as my eyes were attracted to that nice big orange button of' publish' You are probably not even reading this and just want to meet Pico, you will meet him soon I promise (yes the art you been seeing is by me, looking at it again looks...not right to me. But I'll make more
soon). Ill shut up now, here you go:


Ah, New York at last. Its way bigger than I thought, Tv made look small too. I look up all the way to see the buildings in awe-right I almost forgot, I need a place to stay-I look on my phone to look for an Inn I could stay in, Thank me for saving money. I found a place and started to walk to it, damn traffic here is like war of patient...glad I don't own a car.

I make it to the Inn and rent a room for these few weeks I am staying. I sit on the bed and stare at the wall. No I didn't sigh....I laughed. "I...I cant believe I had the balls to do this, I didn't think I would do something like this, this is the last thing I thought I would do! Hahahahahahahaha!" I never felt so free from that tiring loop! I feel so alive for some reason..

((Never thought I would do such a big day time skip but here we go. Time skip to the end of your amazing firs day.))

I sigh as I walk around satisfied. It looks better when dark, all the lights are on- absolutely breath taking. I continue to walk by the train station. I hear music at the other side..sounds like rapping..'hey..I recognize that voice! That's BF!' I think as I try to get closer, since the music was at the other side of the tracks, I jump across with all my strength. I loose balance when I landed and rolled to get back up as i continued to follow the music nodding to the beat. Who's the other voice? I wonder if it's a normal thing to rap battle normally.

I make it to the location where the music was the loudest seeing the huge speaker where GF was originally sitting on. It was them! I then spotted the other opponent. Orange hair..white eyes..? white eyes? that's...surprisingly pretty not gonna HOLY SHIT IS HE HOLDING A UZI?!?! WHAT DID BF GET HIMSELF INTO???? The song finally ends as they both spotted me. I immediately regretted coming here- "Beep bop!!" Bf exclaimed happily "heyy buddy.." "what do you want? And how do you know each other?" red head asks coldly. "errr well I heard music and Recognized the voice so I thought why not drop by right? And uh we battled like this before that's how I know." I say this calmly as possible since I don't really want to start a panic or a fight.

"huh..." He puts his uzi down, "Well your lucky we were on our last song. He beat me anyway. God I hate loosing a bet" he growled face paling with his microphone a bit lightly. "beep boop" "yeah yeah we did make a deal. I guess Ill spare your life, I can forget about the money" "bep bop" "ugh whatever." they say to each other for a bit as I listened. "what did I miss here???" "none of your damn business shit head-" "bep boop ski boop bep bop" I nod understanding the situation "Oh that makes sense" "BF-" "damn well I am happy that you lived, great to see you again man" "bep bop" "eh? "ski boop!" "oh? Hey that doesn't sound that bad. yeah sure why not" The red head looked confused and annoyed "really? a coffee meet up between you three? man your all boring!" Gf sighed "Then what do you do Pico?" "I MURDER OF COURSE WHAT ELSE" My eyes widen a little 'THIS GUY IS A SERIAL KILLER??? AND PICO?? THAT'S HIS NAME???'

I shake my head to snap out of my thoughts and relax 'don't panic, right now its really not the time to. "ah, a bit violent don't you think?" "So what if it is?!" He said back coldly 'this guy...this guy I swear-' "then I'm a bit concerned." Pico's expression went from his normal angry face to confused "why...why are you concerned" "well there is always a reason for someone to do what they do, or possibly...something happened in their lives?" from looking as his face, It went pale and looked like he had to think something through before becoming to his normal angry/happy face "Your pretty smart...for a stranger" "beep" "well of course I know that! whats your name?" he asked curious now, or at least he sounded and looked curious..can't assume too much. "ah names y/n pleasure to meet you." "Pico as you heard...nice to meet you dude. hey boyfriend" he called out to the blue haired boy who what chatting with his Girlfriend. He looks at Pico's direction. "bop?" "is there a way I can I join that coffee meet up offer you gave Y/n?"

((there you go another good hoppfully good chapter. I hope you enjoy this, please do leave some comments on my mistakes like spelling and grammer, ill fix it right away. I just need some pointers. thanks and Ill see you at the next chapter.

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