Chapter 24

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Before Lauren knew it, she was parked outside Camila’s backyard and leaning her head back in the driver’s seat with the windows down. Lauren just sat there and thought about what she was going to do now.

She had tried everything that she could think of to get Camila to remember, and then to get Camila out of her head so she could be happy for a little while before returning to reality. That failed miserably, everywhere that she looked, Camila was there.

One more kiss could be the best thing

But one more lie could be the worst

And all these thoughts are never resting

And you’re not something I deserve


Oh great ! now she was hearing Camila singing. It’s final, she was going insane. She just couldn’t get her out of her head. But god, Camila did have a perfect voice. That husky voice. Lauren closed her eyes and listened to her.

In my head there’s only you now

This world falls on me

In this world there’s real and make believe

And this seems real to me


Her eyes opened as the voice didn’t seem to fade, in fact it seemed to get louder. Lauren looked up towards the balcony and sure enough, there was Camila sitting on the wood of the deck with her i-pod in listening to music and singing along like she did when they were younger.

Lauren watched as Camila’s eyes were closed. Lauren opened her door and got out, standing with the car between her and Camila. She leaned her forearms on the top of the car and studied Camila.

Lauren didn’t know what compelled her to do so, but before she knew it, she was walking into their backyard and standing at the base of the tree. The pathway to her balcony. She listened as Camila’s voice continued to carry the song with perfect pitch and began to climb the tree like she did so many times before.

You love me but you don’t know who I am

I’m torn between this life I lead and where I stand

And you love me but you don’t know who I am

So let me go

Let me go


Lauren reached Camila’s balcony and put her foot on the railing and jumped onto the wood of the porch. Camila’s eyes opened quickly and she looked at Lauren scared. She pulled the headphones out of her ears and stared blankly at Lauren. “Lauren? What are you doing here?” Camila said and placed her ipod in her hoodie pocket.

“Don’t you think that I should be the one singing that song?” Lauren asked and knelt down infront of her. Camila wasn’t pushing Lauren away, she seemed to relax in her presence. “Why” Camila asked and pulled her legs up to her chest. She bit her plump bottom lips and her eyes twinkled as she looked at Lauren straight in the eyes. Lauren closed her eyes and took a deep breath before singing back to her.

You love me but you don’t know who I am

I’m torn between this life I lead and where I stand

Do You Remember ? (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now