Chapter One

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A fist came flying towards Maple's face and she staggered back with a grunt. Cheers erupted around her, and people screamed for her downfall. She wiped her hand across her face, smirking at the trail of blood left by the newfound cut on her lip.

     "Had enough yet DeMilo?" Thomas mocked, walking around the ring with a smug look stretched across his face. "Do you guys think she's had enough!?" he screamed to the crowd. Shouts of agreement followed his cry, but Maple only rolled her eyes. She wasn't deterred easily.

     "I was just giving you a chance," she replied, "Didn't want to embarrass you right away."

     "Hah!" Thomas bellowed, "You know you can't beat me." He nodded to the side and Maple's eyes trailed to the edge of the ring. Two men covered in tattoos and wearing dark sunglasses glared back at her. "Last time I checked you have a debt to pay."

     Maple smirked, "You expect that to scare me?"

     "Does it?"

     "Not a chance Tommyboy, now how about I teach you how to punch properly?" Her fist flew forward, colliding with his cheek. A grin crept onto the girl's face as she bounced on the balls of her feet; Thomas struggling to regain his balance. Before he could react, she charged forwards again, kneeing him in the stomach before leaping out the way of his flailing fist. He let out an angry shout and she ducked down low, sweeping his feet out from under him. White lights glared down at the two as Maple rolled her shoulders, cracking her knuckles and sending the boy a wicked grin.

     "Get up Thomas! Get up I have money riding on this!" a man screamed from the sidelines.
"He's just having a rest," Maple called, "He'll be up in a minute, won't you Tommyboy?" She could hear the crowd murmuring amongst themselves, many complaining about having placed bets on the boy.

     Thomas let out a groan as he pushed himself up with his hands. Maple didn't let him get any further before she kicked him hard in the head, sending him tumbling back down. "Come on!" she yelled, walking around him tauntingly. "Look at all your fans? Do you really want to let them all down!?" She kicked him in the gut, and he curled in on himself, sputtering as red sprayed onto the ground. "Come on!" she screamed again, "At least give me a proper fight!"

     Thomas didn't move to stand. "You- rat," he rasped, raising his hand. Maple smirked as he smacked the ground three times. She knelt down to his level as the referee stepped into the ring. "Nice try," she whispered. Thomas glared as the referee grabbed her hand and raised her arm in the air.

     "Winner, Maple DeMilo!"

     There was a mix of angry yelling and joyful whoops. Money was passed around and Maple stepped off the make-shift ring with a wide grin. She knew her winning definitely wasn't favoured by everyone, but she had a weak spot for hurting people's pride. Even if it meant she was in for a beating. Money was handed to her, and she stuffed the notes in her pockets, whistling an upbeat tune as she made for the doors of the abandoned warehouse. Unfortunately, she didn't make it far.

     A hand grabbed her collar, and she was shoved viciously into a wall. "Hello sweetheart," a voice growled. She forced a grin to her face as the men she had seen earlier glared down at her.

     "Vince! Spike, long time no see."

     "We had a deal," Vince, the man holding her growled.

     "We did? I'm sorry I must have forgotten-oof." A fist collided with her stomach, and she let out a groan as metal rings cut into her flesh. "Oh that deal," she wheezed.

     "It was an easy task. We make bets on all the contestants you fight, and you lose. Now tell me exactly how many people you've lost too! None! Absolutely none! And while you're busy raking in the money, we're forced to give all ours away!" Spike screamed. Vince's grip on her collar tightened and she squirmed slightly in his grip.

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