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I was jolted awake when the car suddenly came to a screeching halt '' What's going on I'' I asked Reidan who seemed as surprised as I did. '' I don't know but somthings wrong. '' He said I saw his body tense up and that's when that same revolting nausea feeling hit me '' STRIGOI'' both me and Tress yelled at the same time. Reidan swung open the car door '' Stay inside of the car'' he instructed  us all inside of the SUV and slammed the door shut. I watched him move at lighting fast speed towards the lead SUV the other guardians from the other SUV's followed him and the battle started. I was amazed at the way Reidan moved, he was so big and muscular but move extrodenerly light on his feet and boy was he fast and strong. One of the strigoi managed to hit him back but he barely stumbled and quickly regained his footing, he kicked the strigoi and saw a small window of opportunity. Almost as fast as the battle had begun it ended with all the strigoi dead and a few injured guardians.

''Lil that guy he's an amazing guardian I've never see anyone that tall and muscular move like that before'' Tress said with wonder for Reidan in her eyes '' I agree, he's pretty good and very fast.'' I said to her still looking at Reidan amazed at what I had just seen. He reminded me of my father, a world renound guardian known as one of the best in the world which kind of made me hate him . If he was anything like my father I knew I wasn't going to get along with him very well.

One of the guardians in the SUV got out and waved to Reidan , Reidan nodded at him. The guardian pulled out a cellphone and called someone, a few minutes later a car arrived and two humans got out the one had a golden tattoo on his cheek shaped like a golden lily. ''Those are alchemists'' a guardian said that had identified himself as guardian Andrew Johnson '' I take it from the looks on you faces you've never heard of them before.'' I looked at Tress '' No this is the first time we've ever heard of them or seen one before.'' Tress answered. '' Well I'll explain the alchemists are human that use the art of alchemy too cover the strigoi killings fir us, they get rid of the corpses as you see there .'' he explained ''They also aren't very nice humans, they believe that we are evil creatures of the night that have our sights set on ruling over the humans.'' he gave a sarcastic laugh. We both looked at him wide eyed ''Got anything els to tell us that should know about .'' I asked really meaning what I had asked. He remained silent for a moment thinking about my question no doubt ''No'' he finally said ''at least not that you should know now.''

The conversation was interrupted by Reidan and the driver getting back into the car ''How …. how did you know there were strigoi blocking our way.'' Reidan asked with a small change in his voice. '' I don't know what you mean.'' I said before Tress could say anything '' Don't play dumb with me girl , both of you reacted to them before they were even visible to anyone of us.'' he said I could sense his anger. ''Still don't know what you mean. '' I shrugged. He spun around facing me I looked straight into his eyes and saw a dangerous glint in them. I felt fear and jerked my head back tryinng to get away fro him, he must have sensed my fear because he turned back looking forward and said '' I don't know what you two are hiding or why but I will find out sooner or later. ''

The SUV started back up and we drove the rest of the way in silence, except for me and Tress we were talking but not out loud, we were communicating telepathically hearing each others thoughts. ''Wow this guy gets pissed off real fast '' I said to Tress trying to lighten the mood. '' You can say that again, he's worse than bull terrier on a rampage. '' she said. I couldn't help it and started laughing out loud, the moment I started laughing Tress smiled and soon started laughing too. ''Care to share what it is you two are laughing about. '' guardian Johnson said looking at us both curiously '' No no it's an inside joke you wouldn't get it.'' I quickly tied to save the situation. ''One neither of you even said about, not to mention neither of you spoke. '' Reidan said glancing back at us thru the rear view mirror. I looked straight back at him daring him to say  another word. ''You know for a seventeen year old novice  you sure do have one hell of an attitude.'' he said . '' Let's just say I don't allow anyone to mess with me or Tress.'' I snapped back. He didn't say anything back and looked away. He was about to say something when we turned onto a dirt road, a road I knew so well and yet hated  it. Our party came to a halt in front of two huge old metal gates  a few minutes later after tuning onto the dirt road.

There were six more guardians on the other side of the gates, the moment they made sure that everything was fine they opened the gates and we drove thru. And then I saw it the big old victorian styled school Saint Vladimir's Academy, the place Tress and I broke out of three years earlier and hoped we would never have to come back. We were gestured to get out of the SUV and they led us towards the main offices of the academy, luckily for us it was the middle of the vampiric  day and almost everyone was in class so nobody saw us do our walk of shame. We were taken down the corridors of the ancient school, one would think that it was cold and dark in the inside but  no it was as modern  as modern could get with electricity and state of the art facilities.

When we reached two double wooden doors with flowers engraved on it, Reiden stopped the group and told them to wait he walked up to the door opened it and went inside. We stood outside of these doors for what felt like ages, we both felt anxious, curious and afraid of what would happen ones those doors opened . When that moment finally came I hear my heart beating in my ears and felt like time had stopped '' Bring them in'' a loud voice said and the guardians around us instantly obeyed and led us thru the doors.

We came face to face with the academy's headmaster, he was an older moroi probably in his mid to late forties had auburn hair and brown eyes '' Well well we've finally caught  the two people on the top of the academies most wanted list'' he said with a sarcastic voice and his expression was fury because mad wouldn't even begin to cover it ''Have a seat girls and start at the beginning.'' he said as he pointed to the chairs in front of us and took his seat  '' There's nothing to tell'' I said with a light carefree voice I had my sights set on pissing this asshole off ''Now that is a lie miss Cross, we both know that I want the reason and I want to know how you did it.'' he said looking me in the eyes . ''Go to hell old man.'' I shot back I didn't like this this guy I never did. '' Lil don't do it you'll get yourself into more trouble.'' I heard Tress is voice in my head.''Seeing as miss Cross doesn't want to answer me, why don't you tell me princess Ozera'' he said looking at Tress '' I refuse to answer your question headmaster Renolds''she said politely .

''Very well then sins neither of you wishes to answer , I will give you your punishment.'' he said sounding thrilled at what he was about to say '' miss Cross sins you father is highly regarded guardian threw out the world and a friend I will keep you here but you will be on two weeks probation, you will not be allowed to socialize it these two weeks nor will you be allowed to see princess Ozera for that time. You will also be escorted to each class by two guardians for this period of time.'' he said looking at me.

I couldn't believe what he had just said before anyone could react I flew up and grabbed him by the tie, I almost pulled him right over his desk ''No now you listen to me old man I am not a threat but if you try and separate us I will become you biggest threat.'' I threatened him. ''Lilia let him go.'' I felt a hand on my shoulder pulling me back, it was Reidan '' you need to learn how to control you anger '' '' I don't have to do anything , he has to say that I am allowed to see  my best friend or he'll be sorry.'' I retorted '' I keep watch while they are together will you allow them to see each other '' Reidan asked the headmaster ''Fine if it will get her to let go of me'' he gritted thru his teeth.''You see that's all I wanted thank you '' I let him go and set back down ''Take them to their rooms and guardian Thorn watch that miss crazy before she hurts someone.''he ordered and we were led out.  

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