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When we got to Tress's room we started going through the boxes and Reidan took a seat in the corner of the room on one of the chairs. ''What was the thought in the hallway about and why were you staring at Reidan like that Lil'' Tress whispered softly so that Riedan's fine tuned dhampir ears would not hear her '' What do you mean'' I asked looking down at the pictures in my hand ''Well Lil you were staring at him for quite a while back there and you weren't blocking me from your mind '' She said with a smile. ''I was not staring at him for that long, was I '' I asked looking over my shoulder at him he had pulled out a Russian book and was reading it I turned away and started packing the things out again ''Lil your are blushing'' Tress said teasingly ''No I am not'' I growled back getting annoyed at her ''What are you two whispering about '' Reidan suddenly said almost making me jump '' Ah nothing just girl stuff you really don't need to know about'' I said turning to him '' Is that so '' He said looking up from his book and strait into my eyes, I tried to stare him down but Tress's words from before sang in my head and my face started to burn. I broke the stair-off and turned away as fast as I could this caused Tress to start laughing at me. ''Well as long as it's not an escape plan I am fine with it'' He finally said.

Tress wanted to say something about it but I would not let her, so after a while she let it go. We continued in Tress is room for two hours before it was done all we still had to do was put some pictures and posters up. ''So where do you want these Tress '' I asked holding one big poster picture of us '' Right there on the wall behind you '' Tress replied as I finished putting the picture up I stopped to look at it and recall the memory. ''Where was this picture taken '' Reidan asked coming to a stand still next to me '' In the outside world'' I  said playing dumb ''Was it at a party?'' He asked ignoring my words, I gave in ''No it was taken just after one of our school concerts '' I told him ''I see'' He said keeping his eyes on the picture. The picture was bright and colorful with me and Tress dressed in long black modern gowns with our hair loose and glitter all over our faces. ''How did you survive out there'' Reidan asked not looking at the picture anymore but at me ''What do you mean '' I asked looking back at him ''I mean what did you do for money '' I said with a hard look on his face that told me he was concerned and really wanted to know.

I didn't answer him I just kept looking at him, when I didn't answer him he looked back at the picture and said '' I don't mean to judge but I need to know did you decide to play blood whore for money to survive'' ''WAIT WHAT...... No no I did so not I do have other talent besides fighting and looking good you know'' I said as fast and loud as I could ''Of course I am sorry, I should not have thought the worst of you'' He apologized touching the back of his head looking down at his feet ''How long were you guys watching us'' I asked he looked at me for a moment ''About two weeks'' he answered and for the first time I heard his Russian ascent ''Your Russian'' I said ''Yes '' He seemed caught by surprise ''why do you ask'' '' It's the first time I've heard your ascent '' I said smiling '' Oh is that so'' He said I could see a faint smile on that strict guardian face of his and I couldn't help but wonder what a full smile on his face looked like.

''Guardian Thorn I presume'' We heard a voice in the doorway it was a moroi man with dim green eyes and brown hair and standing behind him was guardian Johnson and Mills ''Yes'' Reidan answered looking at the man ''I need to take the princess extra magic lessons '' The moroi man replied ''Yes of course'' Reidan replied  '' you must be mister Vanguard'' ''Yes I am indeed'' He said ''Princess would you please come with us'' He said looking at Tress ''Yes I will '' Tress replied unhappily because it meant we would not get to decorate my room together. ''Guardian Thorn headmaster Reynold's asked that you please escort miss Cross back to her room and guard her before she does something stupid'' Guardian Mills said looking quite pleased with herself for calling me stupid ''Alright'' Reidan said. I lead me out of the room I stopped to give Tress a hug ''Do me a favor'' I whispered in her ear ''Yeah'' She said ''Set that guardian bitch on fire the first chance you get'' I said Tress started to laugh as we broke the hug I walked away but continued talking to her through the bond ''You know Lil you could do that yourself and not get into trouble'' She told me with humor in her thought '' Hey thanks for the idea'' I said and started to laugh out loud ''Why are you laughing'' Reidan's voice brought me back to reality '' Nothing you need to know about'' I said in my usual defensive piss people off style.

We walked to the dhampir dorms and to my room on the second floor, it was the middle of the vampiric day so there weren't many students around. When we got to my room I took a seat on the floor next to one of the boxes and started going through it ''You own a teddy bear ''Reidan said having taken a seat on my bed and he could see straight into the box from there , my face grew red of embarrassment my mentor had just see a bit of that little girl I still had inside of me ''Yes'' I admitted ''I do but it's for a sentimental reason'' I said getting up and taking the bear out. I walked over to him and took a seat next to him I handed him the bear , he was clearly surprised by my action but didn't say anything and took the bear ''It's the last thing my father gave me before my mother died, he grew cold to me after that and gave me nothing not even a hug'' I said slowly and softly looking down at my shoes

''Your father he's Alexander Cross isn't he'' Reidan said ''Yeah but it doesn't make him great it kind of makes him more of an idiot'' I said thinking of my father '' He's a great guardian you know one of the best he's up there with Janine Hathaway, Rose Hathaway ,Dimitri Belikov and Eddie Castile '' He said the first three names with pride '' I know, have you ever met them the first three I mean'' I asked ''No but I would like to one day if fate allows me to '' He said looking at me ''Here'' he handed me the bear back ''Do you need help with this decorating thing'' He asked ''Sure you up for it'' I said with a smile '' Well I can't really do anything els now can I'' He said getting up ''What would you like me to do''.

We worked for hours in my room, he told me how he was going to train me and how he had gotten stuck with it . Every now and then I would look at him and admire his length, build and his clothing style , he always wore black like every guardian does but he had his style mixed into it he wore a normal black t-shirt and black pants with combat style boots and a long black coat made out of leader. He caught me looking at him a few times but I quickly turned around every time he noticed. After we were done with my room I was exhausted but wanted to know how Tress was doing I looked at Reidan he was admiring all my pictures and poster so I sat back down and concentrated my eyes closed. 

Suddenly they flew open I was no longer in my own head I was in Tress is head and I felt her magic flowing through her body, she had decided that she would say fire was what she specialized in she knew that lying  was the only way she would protect us both from suspicion of being shadow kissed. She found it easy to lie because most Ozera's specialized in fire magic and she would not likely be found out since she could use all four elements as well as she could use her main  element spirit. She had been practicing for ours, Vanguard and the two guardians were amazed at how good she was and how advanced her skill level was. '' That's it Tress show what you can do don't hold back'' I found myself saying it out loud both Tress heard me through thought and Reidan heard me say it out loud and hurried to my side when I came back to my reality he was shaking me wildly and calling my name ''Whoa there earthquake , do you want me sick '' I said he let go of his grip on my shoulders ''What the hell was that'' he said alarmed at what he had just seen. ''Oh shit '' I thought to myself Tress was trying hard to keep this a secret and I just blew it or not an idea slipped into my mind compulsion '' Nothing you just saw me space out and you'll forget about it now '' I said tilting my head to my left side ''What that was not spacing out...... I don't know what that was tell me I am your mentor'' No way my compulsion didn't work on him, he truly looked concerned for me.

I stared deep into his icy blue eyes '' Fine promise me you won't tell anyone about this please and I will tell you'' I said as serious as I could ''Alright'' He said ''Promise me '' I said again ''I promise Lilia'' said softly ''I was in Tress is head that's why my eyes were green and I didn't hear you'' I explained his face went blank I continued '' I am bonded to Tressame ,she's a spirit user and I am shadow kissed '' His eyes grew wide and he stared at me astonished at what I had just told him. His tall figure came down right in front of me, he was so close I could feel his breath against my face ''How'' he said. I just looked at him , when I didn't answer he murmured something in Russian I wanted to ask him what he had said but there was a knock at the door

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