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''Yes'' I said loudly when Reidan didn't say anything or move, I wondered what he was thinking about, why he was staring at me like that with eyes that felt like they were looking into my soul. I was still wondering when a voice replied '' I have a delivery for guardian Thorn '' and then Reidan got up, whatever he was upset about he seemed to have put away and masked his face with his guardian mask , he opened the door took and envelope from the guy thanked him and closed the door. ''What is it '' I asked curiously as he read the letter inside the envelope . I saw his face grow to a frown ''Nothing'' He said avoiding my eyes ,he pulled out his cellphone and called someone , who I thought must have been Santana because she showed up a few minutes after the call.

'' I have to go take care of something '' He said to Santana, nodded in understanding, and with that Reidan walked out of the room. Santana looked at me for a few seconds and said ''You look tired'' '' Yeah, decorating two rooms in one day is one hell of a mission'' I said to her as she looked around the room '' None the less, it looks good kid '' She said in her guardian business tone. She took a seat on one of the chairs looking at the pictures on the walls. ''You girls shore had one hell of a social life by the looks of all these pictures'' She said not looking at me ''No not really, there were only a few people we could trust out there '' I told her ''Like who '' She asked looking at me ''There are moroi and dhampirs out there you know '' I said not looking at her '' O I know there are and I suppose by your tone you've met a few'' She said still watching me '' Yes we knew two moroi and three dhampirs out there and there is know way I telling you who they are '' I said in a low voice as I walked closer to her.  ''Fine '' She retorted clearly pissed off at me '' Good I gonna take a shower make yourself at home'' I said walking away from her and into the bathroom.

When I got out I braided my hair before walking back out into the room, Santana was still sitting on the chair observing my room. I ignored her and got into bed and switched of the lights, I thought that this was as good a time as any to check up on Tress. So I concentrated and slipped into her mind, '' Come on Tress your gonna have to tell us sooner or later'' I heard Gabby's voice Tress wasn't facing her she was getting her school uniform ready '' Well then you might wait a long time because I don't feel like telling it'' Tress told her in an annoyed voice ''Then I'm just gonna ask Lil she'll tell me '' Gabby said, Tress started laughing out loud '' Good luck with that '' She said wiping her tears of laughter away ''Why is that so funny '' Gabby asked, Tress had turned around and was now facing her '' Lilia has changed Gabrielle even if it doesn't seem that way , she might have slipped up in  the past but she's has changed for the better. She's stronger and has more control even if it seems like she hasn't  '' Tress said defending my honor, my mouth grew to a smile as she said those words and I thought to myself  ''You go girl''. ''It's time for lights out girls'' guardian Johnson spoke '' Aw damn'' I heard Gabby sigh ''fine good night Tress see you tomorrow '' '' Goodnight Gabby '' Tress said back as Gabby left the room. Tress got into bed and sent a goodnight message through the bond '' Goodnight'' I sent back and came back to my own head. I closed my eyes and soon sleep found me and I was happy to be found.

Somewhere in my sleep the darkness changed and shone white before settling on a beautiful garden I had never seen before  '' Vladimir '' I asked recognizing the strange transformation of my dream as a spirit dream. You see spirit allows it's wielder to be able to use various abilities like super compulsion, reading peoples minds, telepathy, dream walking, reading aura's  and there are lot of other abilities that we don't even know about. Dream walking was what was happening to me now, some spirit user entered my dreams and was trying to communicate with me. The only strange thing was that it wasn't Vladimir invading my dreams it was someone hiding themselves from me '' Who in the hell are you'' I yelled but the only response was a dark cold laughter that sent chills down my spine '' Don't worry about who I am dhampir girl, it won't do you much good. I only came to give you a  message or a warning rather '' I heard the voice of a man his voice was cold and hard much like his laugh '' O is that so'' I said sarcastically ''She will be killed and so will you and you won't be able to stop it, but your welcome to try dhampir girl '' He said and with that the dream started to fade. I sat up straight in my bed, I was breathing heavily and for some reason scared as hell '' Are you alright Lilia '' Santana asked '' Yeah it was just a bad dream '' I tried to say it convincingly '' Are you shore you were yelling '' She said and for the first time I noticed her face full of concern '' Yes I fine'' I said '' Alright go back to sleep then'' She said getting up from the bed and returning to her chair. I layed back down and closed my eyes.

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