A Boy who is around in His 20s Years of Age since for a Long time. His Life is filled with Secrets. But no matter how Dark he is, Grey-Shaded He wasn't alone, His Friends i.e Fab 4 too matches little bit to His Personality but He is Master and knows to Dominate around. His Friends are only Persons in the World to whom He had shown His Softness (1% out of 100% Softness which is big enough for Fab5)
Other than His Friends, whole World or S.P.A.C.E Academy thinks He has no Heart which is completely true. People who know Him are Afraid of Him as He has made His Image of BEAST. Yes He is a Beast in the skin of Humans.
On the other hand, a Girl who is in Her late Teens, Physically She has Short height but Mentally She is somewhat Mature whereas Emotionally She is extremely Weak. Till now She has lived Her Life Cheerfully as Her Family created for Her. She has been kept away from all the Cruelties of Life. She knows nothing except to live Her Life in Bubbles. Extreme Innocence & Naivety are one of Her Important Characteristics.
What happens when these 2 Different Creatures collide with each other? Are these Creatures meant to be with each other or to be Ruined? Will their Love be Consumed or not?
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The Wonderful, Amazing & Mind blowing Cover Photo is made by _khusiyaan_ . Thank you so much Dear for this Cover Photo as well as Name of this Story.