❣️🔪Mine And Only Mine 🔪❣️

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This was requested by: Not_your_baby23 fair warning this will get a little twisted, so viewer discretion is advised. Also, this is a human AU. It just didn't seem right to do normal AU Steven.

Some people would call love a drug, a bandage to your problems. Love is a saving grace, but to some, it's an unhealthy obsession that leads people down a path of pure and utter darkness, makes them do questionable things that no sane person would do. Steven out of any kid happened to be dangerously obsessed with none other than Lapis Lazuli. It started as love at first, but slowly began to descend into a love-sick obsession.

Lapis never really noticed his strange behavior. She was a shy girl, her father was a drunk, mother was deceased. She had not many friends at Beach City high. Steven was the weird kid, some were scared of him, other thought of him as a normal, kind, loving guy. But Lapis was about to find out how obsessively in love with her he was that he would go to any lengths to show that.

Lapis was just getting off the bus when she was stopped by Steven who had been waiting for her. He was the only kind, gentle person to her. The only person who gave a damn if she lived or died. She considered him her best friend at this point.

"Hey, Lapis, " Steven greeted her with a grin.

Lapis smiled back, the only person she would smile for. "Hey, Steven, " she looked around. "Were you waiting for me?"

"Yeah!" Steven responded by hugging her. Her cheeks grew red for a moment. She knew he was affectionate and that was something she wasn't used to, not in the slightest.

They pulled away and walked into the school building. People gave weird looks towards the two, but Steven responded with a death glare that immediately made them look away, unbeknownst to Lapis. But one kid, in particular, Kevin Smith didn't give a shit.

While Steven and Lapis we're getting their stuff out of their lockers. Kevin strolled up to Lapis, placing his hand on the locker next to hers. He slicked his hair back with a smug look. "So, Lapis why you hanging out with this weirdo? You should hang out with a real man, I'll treat you well," he went to touch her arm before Steven slammed his locker, causing him to jump back.

With a smile with a hidden malicious objective, he stepped in front of Lapis. "She doesn't hang out with jerks like you, Kevin."

Kevin raised his brow and burst out laughing. "And what are you going to do about it, Universe?"

"You shouldn't push to find out, " Steven replied with a grin.

Kevin grabbed Steven by the collar of his shirt and slammed him into the locker. "Is that a threat? My father is the principal and I can easily get you suspended, " the last part he said with a smirk. "So don't test me."

Steven didn't look the least bit afraid of him. In one swift move, Steven shoved Kevin off and twisted his arm, slamming him into the same locker. "Don't test me, Kevin." He said cold as ice, it sent shivers down his spine.

Kevin immediately took off, cursing Steven out as he did.

"Are you okay, Steven?" Lapis asked in concern, but slight fear.

Steven's malicious death stare melted into a warm smile when he turned around to face Lapis. "I'm fine, let's get to class we don't want to be late."

Lapis checked the time and widened her eyes. "Crap! We're gonna be late let's go!" She took a hold of his arm, dragging him off to their classroom where the teacher would soon give them a stern lecture.

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