💧🌊Pool Party🌊💧

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This was requested by XxDiamond_GodxX hope you like it
"Who invited us to the pool party?" Lapis raised her eyebrow, brushing some her ocean blue hair back behind her ear.

Steven gazed down at his phone at the text he received from Lars, his friend that was like a brother to him. "It's from my buddy, Lars. Him and his girlfriend Sadie invited us over."

"It does sound like fun," She grinned.

Steven grinned back, "It does."

Lapis stood up from the couch she was sitting and went to the bathroom to change. "Then let's go!"

He smiled and changed as well into a black tank top with swim shorts. The bathroom door opened with Lapis strutting out in a dark blue bikini with a skirt wrapped around her waist. Steven gazed in awe, blushing. She was gorgeous.

"So..." Her cheeks were turning red. "How do I look?"

"You look great!"

"That's good," Lapis smiled. "Are you ready to go?"

He gave her a nod as he snatched his car keys. She followed suit behind him, getting into the black mustang charger. Steven smirked revving the engine as it made a satisfying noise. Lapis giggled, she loved her best friend so much.

Soon they had arrived, Lars welcomed them in giving Steven a hug. Sadie, Lar's girlfriend walked up to Lapis as they gossiped on things. "So, how's Sadie been?"

Lars smiled gazing at his girlfriend, "She's been amazing. Don't know what I could honestly do without her man."

Steven nudged his shoulder with a smile, "Good to hear."

"What about you and Lapis?" He smirked which caused Steven to blush.

"She's just my best friend, nothing more!" He blushed deeper.

Lars let out a chuckle, "Oh come on! Do you not see how you two act together? You two are basically a couple at this point."

Steven let out a sigh, "Fine... You're right I do have a crush on her. I have for a long time, I just don't know how to tell her," he confessed taking a sip of soda he brought.

"Then you gotta tell her how you feel, bro."

"I know..."

Lapis was giggling with Sadie and looked over, smiling at Steven. He couldn't help but smile back. However, the moment was ruined when a familiar hated person walked in. An anger began to boil in him as Lars threw his hands up in innocence. "Bro, I did not invite him."

Kevin, Steven's most hated person on his list approached Lapis. "Hey baby, what's a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?"

Lapis rolled her eyes, "Who are you again?"

"Name's Kevin, I'm rich and the most handsome boy around with my Lambo," He smirked.

Music began to blare as everyone starting dancing, even in the pool. Kevin took Lapis's hand which she tried to pull back. "Come on baby come dance with me."

Lapis gave him a glare, "If I wanted to dance with someone it wouldn't be you."

Kevin growled and snatched her hand and pulled her away from Sadie. "You're going to dance with me, bitch."

Steven's fist balled up as Lars stands back. He knew when he got angry stuff was gonna get real. "Go kick his ass Steven," He said.

"With absolute pleasure."

"Let me go!" Lapis screamed tugging away from him, but Kevin's grip grew tighter.

Steven stormed over to him and grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt. "Didn't the lady tell you she didn't want to dance, Kevin?"

"Heh, Steven Universe been too long since I last seen you."

Steven gave him a death stare, "Two choices you got. Leave my best friend Lapis alone and leave or I make you."

Kevin let out a laugh, "Really? What could you possibly do to me?"

A smirk came across his face, "This," Steven reeled his fist back and punched him square in his face sending him flying into the pool.

People cheered as Lapis sighed softly, "Thanks Steven."

"No problem," He smiled.

Kevin pulled himself out of the pool, his jacket and clothes soaked. "My phone was in my pocket, you owe me a new phone!"

"I owe you nothing, now get out of here Kevin."

He scoffed but walked off to his car, speeding off.

"Now," Steven smiled gazing at Lapis. "If it wasn't him who you wanted to dance with, was it me?"

Lapis grinned and nodded her head. "Yes."

"Then shall we?" Steven offered his hand.

Lapis gazed down at it before taking it as he whisked her away into his arms. A slow song played, buck gave Steven a wink like hey it was time to tell her.

"Lapis, there's something I've always wanted to tell you," Steven spun her gently.

"What is it?" Lapis gazed at him with a soft smile. "You can tell me anything."

"Well... I have a crush on you Lapis, I have had one for a long time ever since we met. So I want to ask would you go out with me?" Steven asked, nervous of the answer.

She didn't answer for a moment which scared him. Then she gazed up at him and touched his cheek. Standing up on her tippy toes she kissed him. His arms wrapped around her as they shared a loving kiss.

Lars and Sadie grinned as she said "Finally, never ever thought it would happen."

The rest of the night all there could be heard was laughing, music and love. Lapis knew right then and there Steven was her true protector.

I think this is my second best one yet! Hope you all enjoyed it, especially you Jeremy ;) Anyway, I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Laters. :)

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