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In a dark abandoned warehouse, the smell dry blood and sweat mixing in the air. A loud gunshot wake them up from their reverie and quickly tighten their guards.

"Tsk, i told you they won't let me die in your hands," a man chuckled, irking their boss. The man was all bruised and is wet because of sweats. His hands are tied behind the chair.

"Kill that piece of shit!," The old man order his sicario's to move. They all went out and now, only the old man and his son are left to look after him. "Now let's see if your boss can handle them. Let's see where it will leat your proudness to him." He smirked.

But he just also smirk. He knows how this old man hate seeing smirk from their hostages. Poor him because someone like him can't make him scared like that. His boss is more scarier than this old stinky man.

10 minutes had passed, one of the old man's sicario came back. He is panting because of running and because he is also panicking.

It didn't passed Gallen's eyes. He saw how the man's hand got trembled, also afraid on his own life.

"Boss! He is getting near here!," He said hysterically.

"Block his way here!," The old man shrugged it off.

"But boss, half of us are already soaking on their own blood."

"I don't care! Block his way! Make sure he won't make it here!," He fired his gun near the man's direction. The man obliged even though he is scared for his life.

"You can't beat him like that," he spoke for the past minutes.

The old man's son looked at him. "How can you say so honey?," He shivered inwardly because of how disgusting it was if he called him like that.

"Not when I'll use this," he showed them the time bomb. "If he can make it here to you, then let's see if you could still manage to get outta here," then they both chuckled evily and he started the bomb and it will explode in five minutes

Gallen is not afraid for his life. Maybe because he is now used of this kind of life after he knew that he will serve him. He know how capable his boss when it comes to this. His boss is always excited to this. But he can't help but to be worried of him. He doesn't want him to see lying on his bed while impatiently waiting for his wounds to heal. It is making him loose his shit but it irks him how his boss could still think of killing.


He saw his boss kill someone before and that is the first time he saw him do that infront of him. But for the past 3 years, he is already used to it.

The door banged open and the body of the man came inside to this room earlier is now lying on the ground and blood is gushing out of his mouth.

The old man's son, pull the chair to which he is sitting calmly right now, to their side. His boss always tell him to be calm when this thing happened and will never let them saw him breakdown. They will use it to him. And this is not the first time he got kidnapped.

And as expected, he saw his boss walk on top of the bleeding man underneath him who is now dead. "Tsk, hand him to me." He said deadly. He always hear his deadly voice but it always sent shiver down to his spine.

"As if i would let that." The old man retorted after reloading his gun pointed it to his boss who just smirk codly and his eyes are deadly. It is screaming how he wants to get those heads of the two.

But before the man could even pull the trigger, his boss already fired his gun and the old man's gun fell on the floor. He smile proudly. That's my boss.

"Dad!," His son exclaimed.

"Kill him!," The latter toughen himself up and took the gun on the floor and fired it on his boss's, direction. But everything happens in a slow-mo. He can't help but to close his eyes because he don't want to see him got shot.

"Open your eyes, you minx," he suddenly heard of his boss's voice.

"Boss?," He slowly opened his eyes and he saw his serious face.

"Tsh, you are a damsel in distress," he tsked and finally untied me. He saw those two lying on the ground and their body is soaked by their own blood.

Gallen quickly held his hands and they run out of this place. He knows any minute, the bomb will explode.

And right after they got 3 meters away, the bomb explode.

"Tsh, they set it late," he saw him smile lazily. "Call Brent and tell him our direction," he order him. Good thing he knew where they are.

After he called Brent, they waited for a minute or two and they saw Brent driving one of his boss's car.

"You are being a badass again, Brent." He commented when he hopped on the backseat and his boss is sitting beside him.

"As always," and they drove off.

When they got in the house, his boss get out of the car first. He know he is mad because of what he did. He just rushed inside the house and he didn't even waited for him.

He sigh as he went inside the house and went to his boss's room. He knock three times but still, no one answered. He twisted the knob and it is open.

Just when he got inside, he saw his boss went out of his bathroom with only a towel covering his lower body.


"Leave." His voice was like a bucket full of ice that suddenly poured on him by someone.


"Leave. I don't want to see your face anymore."

His heart ached but still he manage to not to breakdown. "Malik-,"

"It should be 'sir'. You are now a stranger to me." He take one step at the time and Gallen is taking one step backwards.

"Go away," His words was like a voice record. It keeps playing on his head. It breaks his heart because he dont know why things should need to turn out like this. But before he could say anything, he saw his walk-in closet closed. He wiped his tears that keeps streaming down like a waterfalls and went to his room to get his things.

"I will follow you. I'll leave. But i will came back," his last words before leaving his house.

Hello, hope you enjoy the story.

I'll use 3rd Person's POV. I'll focus on this for now.

I unpublished 'The Badboy's Possession' and decided to change everything. The plot is still the same and some of the scene are still the same. I'll change a lot of scenes or just edit it, I don't know i might change the title too. But for now, I'll focus to this one.

Hoping for you support everyone ❤️

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