1. Past meets present

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1. Past meets present

Niko's eyes bored into me. I almost crumbled under the intensity. Talon tugged on my arm. I looked down grateful for the distraction.

"What's going on, mama?" Lucky for me the only word Niko understands out of that sentence is mama.

"Kait, tell me." I looked up shocked. Niko has never called me Kait before. I'm not sure how I feel about it. "Is he mine?" No one but Niko and I knew what we were saying. Thanks to the joy of speaking more than one language.

Talon let go of my arm and walked towards him. Caf moved to stop him. "It's okay. He's no danger to him." He relaxed and stepped back, but his eyes said I owe him an explanation. I nodded knowing that I did.

I watched as my son walked over to Niko. He took slow steps. Niko's eyes left me and focused on Talon. He still wasn't convinced that Talon was not his. I sighed. Talon turned to me and frowned. He wanted to say something but I could tell he wasn't sure how to say it.


"Yes sweetie?"

"What's his name?"

"Ask him." Talon made a face showing his displeasure with the task of conversing in English. Then he smiled triumphantly and turned back to Niko.

"Name what?" Caf chuckled. Even Bayar looked amused. Niko smirked. It's been years since I saw that smirk on that face. It looked even more handsome now with that beard.

"Are you asking me my name little one?" Talon nodded excitedly. Niko was like a brand new toy to him. "You should say, "What is your name?" Talon nodded up and down. He isn't so eager when I try to teach him. I rolled my eyes. "Try," he said. Talon scratched his head for a few seconds.

"What is name?" Niko shook his head from side to side. Usually Talon would give up at that point or just resort to not trying at all. But surprisingly he tried again until he got it right. Maybe I should let Niko teach him since he seems more inclined to listen to him.

"My name is Niko De Luca. What is your name?" Talon glanced back at me for permission. I gave it to him.

"Talon August Maddox," he said proudly.

"Cool name." Talon looked to me for an explanation. I translated for him. He started chartering excitedly about Niko looking like him. For Talon, looking like him means having the same eye colour. He was chattering away to Niko who couldn't understand a word and I had to be translating. Talon asked me a few months back why everyone had brown eyes and he had blue. Back then I told him it's because he's special. Now he meets Niko and he's suddenly his best friend. I smiled.

He suddenly stopped talking and turned his head. He cocked it to the side for a few seconds before a smile appeared on his face. Niko was no longer his fascination. Victoria was. I frowned. I didn't like the bitch. Thankfully she's kept quiet all this time so I didn't have to deal with her.

Talon moved over to her with a shy smile on his face. Victoria didn't look as amused as Niko. She looked scared. Did she even like children? "What is your name," Talon asked proudly. At least he learned something from Niko. Now he was showing off what he'd learnt. She answered him brisk and without emotions.

"Vic-to-ri-a," he repeated trying to say it the way she'd said it. He started chattering excitedly again. She looked to me for an explanation.

"He says you're pretty. I disagree, but that's just me. He likes your eyes and your hair. He wants to know more about you and he asked if he could touch your hair." I sighed. Talon had a thing about hair. Since again he was the only one here with blond hair. Wait until he finds out I'm really blonde. I chuckled.

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