11. Sometimes all we need is cake

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11. Sometimes all we need is cake

No matter how many times I try it just never turns out right. What was I doing wrong?

"What's today's disaster?" Niko placed Talon on a stool and he giggled and repeated what Niko said adding Mama at the end. I fake glared at them both.

"This stew isn't coming out right." Niko laughed.

"I thought that's why you're taking cooking classes, so it will come out right."

"Aren't you a smart one," I said sarcastically.

"Mama, grill cheese please."

"Cute. I take it this is your doing?" Niko looked at me innocently.

"I'll make it."

"No, I'll do it."

"It's fine, Kaitlyn. Continue with your stew." I shut my mouth and let him do it. This is what co-parenting is all about. Talon needs to get accustomed to Niko doing some of the things I usually do.

Having them both watching me intensely only made my stew worse. After about thirty minutes I gave up. "It's no use! It won't turn out right."

"Maybe you're just not meant to cook. Why bother waste time doing something you'll never accomplish?"

"Such faith you have in me."

"It's because of the faith I have in your non cooking abilities why I'm telling you to quit right now."

"Whatever." Niko and Talon disappeared and I resumed cooking. After four tries and still no success I decided to give up and do something I actually know how to do, bake. I made the kitchen my playground because this was one area I was confident in. I realized baking was something I'm good at the first few months when I had Talon. I barely got any sleep and I needed occupy my time. Numerous times Caf would wake up to find his kitchen a mess. But his anger would disappear when he tasted my latest creation. I found something to do to occupy my time and Caf got to satisfy his sweet tooth cravings.

Some of the men wondered into the kitchen knowing the smell of my baking all too well. They practically drooled at the smell. Unfortunately for them the cakes weren't finished and they had to get back to work before nonno popped a blood vessel. While I was cleaning up and putting stuff away Kei called.

"Am I to take it you're speaking to me now?"

"I'm calling aren't I?"

"Am I forgiven?"

"Partially." I rolled my eyes.

"Why only partially?"

"You owe me an explanation, Kait, a real explanation and not that bullshit version you told your parents."

"Why do you think there is more to the story?"

"Because I know you."

"I'll tell you everything some day."

"How about today?"

"It's not something I can talk about over the phone."

"How about in person?" His voice rang out loud and clear from behind me. I dropped the carton of eggs I had been about to put away and clutched my chest from shock.

"Jesus fudging Christ! Are you trying to kill me?" I move my fingers from my chest trying to slow down the rapid beating of my heart. I hugged him and he kissed my forehead. "What are you doing here?" He looked around with a frown on his face.

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