21. Consequences

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21. Consequences

"I warned you didn't I? Now you're reaping the consequences of your actions. He spends more time at that damn hospital than he does here."

"How is that my problem? If he wants to stay by that bitch's side then he is free to." I'd never admit how much Niko's choice hurt me. Why should I? She's his friend. A friend who happens to be an ex, and instead of spending time with his son he's by her side. Why should I be the one to point out his stupid decision? I wouldn't do it.

"So you're not going to do anything about it?"

"Like what? Do you want me to finish the job myself?" I scoffed. "I won't do a damn thing about it. I'm busy working anyway. I don't want to have to depend on his money for anything. Anything my son wants I will be the one to give it to him."

"You're too stubborn sometimes."

"Someone has to be."

"Are you going to tell him you're leaving?"

"No. You're not going to either. No one in this house will tell Niko De Luca anything. He doesn't deserve to know anything."


"I said no. I promised Talon a trip before he starts school and he's getting it. I don't care if his stupid father knows or not."

"He's going to think you ran away with his son."

"Good. Let him think that. Maybe he'll finally understand what being abandoned by someone you care about feels like."

"I'll let you handle it your own way."

"There is nothing to handle."

"You can't run off everything he does something you don't like."

"I can't? Watch me." I learned from a long time ago that men have to be trained. If you don't train them they'll do whatever they want. If I'm to be honest I wouldn't have put in any effort at all to piss Niko off if I didn't feel the way I do about him.

"Mama! I'm ready."

"Yani bakın." So I see.

"We go?"

"Tatlım Evet, biz şimdi gidiyoruz." Yes sweetie, we're going now.

Talon would enjoy these four days in Paris even if it killed me. I would have four whole days alone with my son. I haven't had that in a while.

We we're walking around the streets of Paris with Talon asking me question after question not giving me a chance to respond. He was proving to be a handful.

"Yavaşlatmak." Talon, slow down.

Of course he didn't listen and tripped. But before he could hit the ground a stranger caught him. I breathed a sigh of relief and rushed over. "Je suis vraíment désolé." I'm so sorry. "Il m'a échappé." He got away from me.

I apologized to the stranger profusely while checking to see if Talon was okay. He kept quiet because he knew he'd done something wrong.

"Üzgün olduğunu söylüyor." Say you're sorry.

The stranger looked down at him puzzled. I translated for him. He looked from me to Talon with interest. I felt the need to explain but he spoke before I could.

"Il ne parle pas français?" He doesn't speak French?

"Non." No

"Mas vous faites." But you do. "Est-il le vôtre?" Is he yours?

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