20 - Fall Out Girl

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For the majority of the week, Taylor had nearly forgotten she wasn't meant to be enjoying dressing up as a girl. She loved every second in her new look. Dark lips, smoky eyes, false nails, and a beautiful black dress had now replaced the usual plain shirt and jeans that her former self rocked each day. She didn't hate the way she was before, not at all. On the inside, she still thought of herself as Tyler, but any predominantly male thoughts had been escaping her mind as each day passed.

No more did she ever consider her new female friends as potential girlfriends, but platonic friends that she could laugh with, share secrets and gossip. Florence had gone from a crush to just a friend. And Taylor didn't mind.

This was why Alicia's proposition surprised her. Not the proposition itself, but Taylor's own reaction. Tyler had momentarily returned to accept the offer of meeting a girl. He didn't even want to see a picture of the girl. Alicia's description was enough. Blonde, emo, listens to pop punk, likes anime and video games. She was ticking every box.

So come Sunday, Tyler would join Alicia and Bella on their trip to VAX, Vancouver's own Anime Convention. Alicia even insisted that he come in his regular, male clothes. So, for the first time in almost a week, Tyler shed his new female skin, and returned to the life he knew. Tyler was as plain as ever.

Even with the makeup off, he still thought he looked more girly than he used too. His had let his already lengthy hair grow a bit in, and while it was only a weeks' worth, it was noticeable to him. Summer looked sad that Tyler was back in his male clothes, but the other boys just looked jealous.

'Good luck my friend,' Zach said as he put his hand on Tyler's shoulder. He was dressed in a cute white collared dress with a pair of black platform boots. Stephanie was slowly easing him into his own style. Zach Chang's feminization was still a work in progress, but it was at a better place than where it started. 'May this girl be more beautiful than I, for your sake.'

Tyler brushed Zach's hand away. 'That shouldn't be too hard.' Tyler joined his sisters at the academy's foyer, out front of the school. The bus downtown wouldn't come for another twenty minutes, so they had time to spare. Tyler was being reassured that he looked fine by his sister's when their mother strolled down the hallways, looking righteously pissed off. Summer was trailing behind, as cute as ever. She had a satisfied expression on her peach-colored lips.

'Why is Tyler dressed like that?' their mother demanded. 'I never said any of them could go out in public in their normal clothes.'

'You told me mom approved!' Bella snapped, eying Alicia. 'You lied to us, Alicia. Why?'

Alicia shrugged. Keira stomped towards her nervous son, dragging him back towards Spencer. 'Fix this immediately,' she said, eying the mischievous blonde girl.

'Glady,' she said, grabbing Tyler's wrist and taking him to the nearest bathroom. 'So, what's the occasion Taylor? You need to look your best if you're going out.'

'You sold me out! Alicia was taking me to meet a girl. I can't do that dressed like one!'

'We'll see,' Summer said, whipping out a makeup kit from her purse, a new addition. 'What kind of look do you want?'

'Fuck off.'

'Barbie pink? A cute skate-punk look? The usual?'

'I said fuck off!' Tyler tried to push his way out, but Summer, as small as she was, managed to fend Tyler off.

'You're going to an anime convention, aren't you? I heard you watch anime so maybe a Japanese inspired look will be best.' Summer thought for a second, before coming up with an idea. 'I got it! Oh Taylor, you'll win a cosplay contest for sure. You're gonna love this!'

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