28 - The Talk

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Friday had come and the school day gone. The halls of Priscilla Girl's Academy were alive with chatter, almost all of it about Isabelle Chen's party. With her parents out of town, Isabelle's party was set to be the biggest and greatest in the city. Her family was on the richer side of the economic ladder. They lived out in the suburbs, but in most definitely the biggest house. The party was set to be a blowout. What could possibly go wrong?

The five boys sat in a circle on the bottom bunks in their dorm. All of them had gone back to their female casual clothing. Tyler, an emo princess, rocking a black skull and bones emblazoned t-shirt, black skirt, tights, and boots, was leading the conversation.

Sam thought it was funny how Tyler became the unquestioned leader of their group. He wasn't even the biggest personality. The four guys just respected him. Apart from Sam himself, he was probably the only level-headed individual of the five. Zach was a meathead, Spencer had his head in the clouds, and Charlie...it would take divine intervention to understand what was going through Charlie's mind on a day-to-day basis.

He looked like a psycho on this particular day. He was wearing a short white dress covered in fluffy pink frills with an equally as fluffy choker fastened around his neck. His long false nails were designed like cupcakes, adorned with glittering sprinkles. He struggled to stand, let alone sit, thanks to his tight sheer white stockings and white heels, a bow placed right above the toes.

His makeup was overdone as usual. Lots of pink shades, lots of eyeshadow, and lots of lip gloss. His hair was up in twin-tails set by two fluffy pink bows. He looked like he crawled out of a strange children's cartoon and didn't like what he saw of the real world. The style was meant to be cute, but since it was Charlie, he had somehow made it do the opposite effect.

'I won't be attending Miss Chen's party, I'm afraid,' Charlie said, completely deadpan, which was a feat given his appearance. 'Rehearsal has been driving me insane and I'd like to take this time to sleep for once.'

'Fair enough,' Tyler agreed. 'I can't imagine your...style really hitting it off with the party crowd anyway.' Tyler turned his head to Zach and Spencer. 'What about you two?'

'Of course I'm going!' Spencer sang cheerily. He looked and sounded like a girl, Sam thought. The long blonde wig suited him perfectly. His natural style to doing makeup also made him look even more feminine. His legs as well...damn. High heels didn't make them look good, Spencer made high heels look good just by wearing them. He sat with his ankles crossed, hands placed daintily on his knees, showing off his French tipped fingernails, freshly done.

'If Spence is going, I guess I am too,' Zach said. As usual, he wasn't dressed up. None of the boys had told him off yet for not following the rules, which surprised Sam, remembering what Spencer had done to Tyler before he left for the convention. 'But I'm not dressing up like a slut. If I'm going to a party, it'll be with my normal clothes. I'll even sneak out if I have to.'

'The Principal won't like that,' Spencer said with a pout.

'What she doesn't know, won't hurt her,' Zach replied, saying it almost as a threat. The boys unanimously shrugged. They were pissed at Zach, but they knew if it came to it, they wouldn't sell him out. All their lack of defiance did was weed out the fact that the other four secretly enjoyed dressing like the opposite sex.

Sam shuddered at the thought. The clothes were growing on him as each day passed. The punishment's deadline couldn't come sooner for he feared losing himself for good in the sea of skirts and red lip gloss.

'How about you, Sam?' For the first time, all eyes were on him. Ever since the punishment began, Sam had laid low, not done anything out of the ordinary or really gone out at all.

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