xxi. the asking

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3.5.15// might as well be safe than sorry

niall pov:

For the past days I've been either bored and bothering Zayn, or stuck in my bedroom.

I hate when he has company over and I'm not aloud to come out of my room.

It's total bullshit.

I get that he may have bought me and shit, but at least just let me...free? I guess?

I don't know what I want anymore..or what I need.

Last month all I wanted to do was get out of that damn house and away from dad.

Now, this month I'm practically held in captivity.

His mansion of a house is closed off first of all, secured with gates second of all, and last but not least he won't let me out of this house.

Usually I would know when his company are no longer here because they're usually right across the hall from me.

Like, there's my room on the first left, Zayn's on the second left, and the meeting room on the first right.

As soon as I heard the footsteps walk down the stairway I quietly open my bedroom door a little, listening for the closing of the outside door.

It was hard to hear for it, but I did and finally opened my door wide open.

Not only did Zayn take me in, but he bought clothes for me, comfortable clothes too.

I was in grey sweats, and a plain black tank top with plain white socks.

As I stepped down stairs, and to the kitchen I saw Zayn.

He was making a sandwich...of course he would.

I immediately made a plan of scaring him and jumping on his back.

Yeah well...that plan was an immediate fail when I fell face down on the fucking wooden floors.

I groaned in pain because damn, does this hurt.

Zayn looked down and laughed quietly to himself while I was scowling at him,

"Why is my situation so funny? This fucking hurts you know!" I get up with the help of his outstretched hand and thank him politely.

"Because...it just is. Nice to know I have that affect, if you know what I'm referring to." He winked soon after that and I almost choked.

"No. I don't fucking know, and I don't want to. But anyways, I was wondering,...could I go outside?"

Zayn soon glared at me, "I said...No, Niall. Don't you understand that? No will always be no."

"But Zayn!"

"No, Niall."

"I just-"

"Do you need me to fucking spell it out for you? N-O. No!"

I flinched back at his tone of voice and nodded my head in understanding.

He sighed and shook his head, "Just get in your room, I'll have one more person coming over today."

I silently walked towards the fridge, taking out a Dr. Pepper can and taking out my left over salad.

Making my way upstairs I catch him looking at me as I go to my room.

Ugh, he can be such a prick sometimes.


I could hear a female voice and probably Zayn's voice downstairs and I'm immediately curious.

Who could this be?

They head upstairs and into Zayn's room a few minutes later.

Then...oh yeah, the noises.

Well shit, why are...? What the actual fuck?

Is he literally doing this while I'm here?

I mentally gag, because ew...heterosexual sex.

I plug in my ear buds and blast the music till I could no longer hear their obnoxious noises.

Well...not really Zay- oh, and there it is.

Fucking hell man...this is so disturbing at the moment.

About ten minutes later the girl having sex with Zayn walks into my room...my fucking room.

"Uhm...What are you doing here?" I awkwardly ask, because not only is she in my room...but she's only fucking wearing a bra and shorts.

"Oh! Well I thought this was the bathroom...I'm sorry, I didn't know he had company either."

"Well I'm right here, so maybe you an leave now. By the way the bathroom is outside. In the trash....where you belong."

She leaves before I could say the last part.

Wow...how rude, I was even giving her directions but she leaves.

Great...now she's back. "What do you fucking want!" I groan out loud as she stands in my door way still in her disturbing outfit.

"I just need the bathroom, please? I'm Aswata by the way...if you wanted to know."

"Ass what?"

"Aswata. It's my name."

"Ass...water...ok, got it. Sure, use the restroom I guess. Not like I use it much anyways."

The lady just shrugs and walks there closing and locking the door.

Ugh, who the hell names their child like that? Maybe like one in a million.

Such a weird name.

She leaves the house around 6PM and I decide to stay in my room.

If Zayn's mad...he'll probably stay mad at me for a while...because he could take me somewhere worse or leave me on the streets.

was i being jealous of what zayn and that lady were doing?


I legit woke up around 3AM and I was like...I need to update!

It's 5.58AM now lmaoo

I fell asleep half way through hahah!!

Happy Birthday to my cousin Matthew Riddle!! He's turning 11yrs old.. I think lol

Lots of birthdays this month for my family.

Weellpp, aswata_malay was featured in this story ahhaha!!

She wanted to be a quick fuck so yeah.

But I didn't detail it...bleh.

Dedication to this lovely: @Its_Genesis

I'll probably update again today because school got cancelled...so yay!!

You'll love the next one ;)

leah xx

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