iv. the scars

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1.29.15// giving me pain and marks don't make me weak, they make me strong. keep hitting me...i dare you, because i'll always seem strong in the end.

niall pov:

Days later and I haven't made one disobedient act to dad or Greg.

The bruises are fading just a bit, yet they still show their colors.

I've learned to accept them, I put cream on them every day and made sure to cover it all.

I've become fond of them, they seem to be very...fitting.

Only now do I like them because I've lived with one everyday.

I heard Greg talking to dad, they were planning something. I hope they'll be leaving.

Then I could properly roam around the house and maybe just take one last memory of mom in my head.

All the family pictures are in dad's room...and if I dare to enter he'll beat me to death.

I'm still scared of dying...seeing what Greg did to mom...it did something to my mind alright.

I sigh, tracing the outline of a bruise in my arm.

I felt numb...too numb to be moving.

I then poked my bruise and felt little pain, I poked another one and slightly winced...geez, it's too tender to be 4 days ago.

After poking all of my bruises I decided I should make some scars.

I looked through all my drawers and found a pair of scissors and a sharpener...hmm, I decided the scissors would work.

Plus I wouldn't have to break anything. I walked to the body length mirror and stared at myself.

Yeesh, I need a clean and a new coat of skin because I look too alien to be human.

I sigh then drag the scissor blade across my skin, nope, nothing.

I do it harder and feel the sting, instantly I drop the scissors. Whoa, talk about shock and unexpected pain.

After 30 mins I have successfully drawn enough cuts to create scars I wanted.

I then walk towards the bathroom for my much needed scrub in the bath.

I noticed that it is awfully quiet in the house...I shrug it off. Maybe they're sleeping or worse...planning my beating.

where is my happiness?


This chapter was a bit rough..

Should I rate this R?

Maybe...eh, oh well.

So, niall's torture subsided...a bit.

My lovelies it's ok, I promise it will get better in this story.

Vote and you'll see more happiness, or comment either will work.

Dedicated to this sweetie: buildwithwords

Don't worry you ppl, your dedication is soon, v v soon love ya

Gotta go t hell now aka school,


leah xx

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