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Taehyung was sitting in the corner of the kitchen.

Mommy I can't leave anyone, I hate my life, why....., why don't you kill me when you killed yourself, why you leave me here alone with them, you know how much I was suffering here. without any reason they beat me and punished me, I'm so tired of leaving this life, I had believed for so long that you will send someone to save my life but no one will be came into my life. I quickly whipped my tears because I heard Lisa calling me.

I know today some guests coming here with a marriage proposal to Lisa . I have a small relief will get, if she will be married. I saw the family who came here, they are looking so good people, when I saw a little boy calling me I was going to take his coffee cup to cool but my eyes meet with another precious eye,. Some eyes touch you more than hands ever could I thought and I quickly look down, I don't know why I felt something. But I'm scared I think he is the one who's going to marry Lisa. He's looks so nice, she is so lucky if she will get him , I think he so caring and loving person. But I don't think he is lucky if he marries her , beacuse she is a witch and he is an angel, I shook my head and feed the coffee to the little cute boy, I can't refuse to know his name beacuse he is so cute and lovely boy I want to squeeze his chubby cheeks, I asked his name, I don't know why I did that, then I heard Lisa shouting at me ,. Now I'm scared as hell I think I did a big mistake by asking his name. I quickly ran back to the kitchen. My heartbeat was going to stop soon. Then I heard they reject the marriage proposal. Is it beacuse of me I asked myself. I don't know what to do, I think it's my last day......
I sat in the corner of the kitchen quietly but I'm sobbing.

I heard tha sounds of Lisa's heels. I looked up, then I saw they all are staring at me, Lisa came and pulled me by my hair and hit the wall. And slapped my cheeks harshly. She brutally hit me I can't bare the pain,
I was laying on the floor unconsciously blood was flowing into my forehead. I can hear what was they are talking about but I can't open my eyes or move my fingers beacuse everywhere in my body i felt so painful.

Dad I'm going to England with my boyfriend, I already told you that I didn't like him, and this fucking marriage, now it's over and one more thing don't force me to marry someone, I know who to marry and take my own decisions. I'm not a kid anymore,

What are you talking Lisa, you know how much I did to get a proposal to jeon's, you know they are the biggest business man's in Korea. Not only business they have a hospital his elder son Mr Jeon yoongi is a doctor and Jeon Jungkook he is the CEO of Jeon enterprises, but you spoiled everything Lisa.

Dad stops it I'm not your plaything to get marry someone for your business purposes, I have my own right. So I'm leaving I don't want to hear your useless things, Lisa said and left.

Now I'm more scared, I know my
da- Mr Kim will kill me or beat me, I heard his yell

"You slut, beacuse of you they reject the marriage proposal and now my daughter left me, why don't you go when you're mom killed herself, you are a mistake for me, it's my mistake to doesn't kill you when you were born, and it's all my mistake to let you stay here, now stop and get out of my house, go and die as your mother did bitch."

I can't walk properly but he doesn't care about anything he dragged me to the gate, "now go and die you sinner."

I cried harder when I heard the word sinner, tears let out of my eyes like a river. He closed the gate I walked slowly to the road. It's all my mistake to live this long, I'm not a sinner why he always calls me like that, why he always talk bad words about my mom beacuse of him my mom suicide, now me..... I hate my life, why I was living like this, why god you never let me happy, I don't know what is the meaning of happiness beacuse I never get it always suffering and painful is my life, did I do anything wrong to give me this much pain in my entry life. Now it's over I can't live like this, it's good for me to die more than alive i wish after my death I can get some happiness, I don't want that much but a little bit, I finally end up walking to a bridge, I laughed like crazily. I stood there. Mommy I'm coming to meet you, I wish I will get freedom after my death.

I closed my eyes to jump but I felt some on holding my waist I thought it's god, he pulled me to the death

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I closed my eyes to jump but I felt some on holding my waist I thought it's god, he pulled me to the death. But I end up falling to someone. I don't where did this boy came sudden, I was laying to him I can hear his heartbeat. I quickly stood up and ran to the end of the bridge to suicide but I heard the boy who pulled a few minutes before called me by my name, I stopped my way I don't know why I stopped. I turned my head and saw it is that boy who reject a marriage proposal with Lisa. My heartbeat pounding fastly. Without thinking I turned to jump again but I can't why........

I looked at my waist I saw strong muscles arm's on my waist. I kicked him to jump but he is more stronger than me I can't let go of his hold, he pulled me to the side of the bridge.

Whyyyy.... Why don't you let me die, I won't to live anymore, please let me die,

Hy don't say like that Taehyung,

Do you want me to suffer again, do you want to see my life ending brutally, I don't want to live anymore please I beg you to leave me alone I cryied my life out of, beacuse I can't bare this pain, I want to die.

I don't know why he suddenly pulled me to him,

Hy Taehyung calm down, don't do such things like this,Sometimes life doesn't want to give you something you want, not because you don't deserve it, but because you deserve more," he try to calm me, I felt so comfortable into his hold.
then I saw the little boy came to me and hugged my legs. I looked at him I felt relief,
"Please don't cry " I heard his cute little voice. I wiped my eyes.

I'm sorry to bother you, you can go now I said to them.

But I'm not let you go, I know if I leave you, you will do this again so I'm sorry. If you want you can ask me for any help I'm willingly do that for you.

I-if you- can p-lease buy m-e som-e foo-d I-i- I'm h-ungery......... , I didn't e..at fo-od for t-wo week-s I said and bite my lips harshly to stop by a sob. But I don't know how to pay back to you, I have nothing to give you,......

Jungkook and gukie amazed by hearing his words, how someone can live without eating anything in the whole two weeks.............

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