Chapter 5

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(Maddy's pov )

It's been a few weeks since that night . I could've sworn I'd seen him in my yard looking up at me . He just ran off again , clearly running from the police if the flashing lights and sirens were any indication . 

Even with the reality of the situation clearly playing out in front of me , I still couldn't help but think of those sad blue eyes and those scarred cheeks . Once again , I found myself wondering what had happened to him to get him to this point . Why didn't he kill me ?That's what he does , he's a killer ....but why let ME of all people live ? What was he thinking that he couldn't do it ?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Jake , one of the guys in my class nudged my side . Looking at him , I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind , seeing as he was gesturing to the professor who had now started a power point presentation . I was a history major , much to my dear friends dismay . Not my fault I find it interesting . 

"Are you ok ?You seem kind of lost today ."I looked back at Jake and smiled slightly . That's actually kind of sweet . "Yeah, I'm ok , I guess I just got lost in my thoughts ." I blushed slightly when I noticed he was amused at my response .I tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear , giving another shy smile .

He smiled back ."You look cute when you're thinking ." He said as he leaned a little closer so as not to disturb the other students . I felt my face turn red at the compliment , only making his smile bigger .He let out a soft chuckle and turned back to the lecture . 

I did the same , biting my lip slightly and trying to get my face back to it's normal colour . What was that ? I didn't think had ever noticed me before , and all of a sudden he says I look cute ? What the hell is going on ?! 

Jake was good looking , with brown hair that had light streaks running through  probably from being outside. His hair fell forward  , almost reaching his storm grey eyes.He was tall and was well built if the tight shirt clinging to his broad chest and abs was any indication . Why was he suddenly talking to me?

By the end of the day , I was so tired I would've slept right there on the bench outside the school . Unfortunately though , I had to walk home . Oh well, maybe I could get some food on the way . Stepping onto the sidewalk , I started heading down the street , my tired legs making me walk slower than usual , but I didn't mind . 

Just as I was about to check who sent me a text ,  a bike pulled up next to me , the rider taking off his helmet and resting it on the tank . It was Jake . 'Well look who just got even hotter ' I thought , stopping to see what he wanted . 

"Do you need a ride ?"He shot me another smile , softly tapping his helmet with his fingers ."W-what ?" I stuttered , blushing like an idiot . He chuckled , the sound a deep rumble in his chest that sent shivers down my spine . "I said , do you need a ride ? You're always walking home . Plus , I'm headed that way too ."

I stood there silent for a moment , not knowing what to say . Finally , I mustered up the words . " Yeah , that'd be great , thanks . " I smiled at him nervously as he tossed me the helmet , walking closer . "I've never been on a motorcycle before though ." I admitted , blushing once again . 

He smiled at me and said," Just put you foot on the bar and swing you leg over . " I put the helmet on and did just that , feeling way to comfortable on the leather . I adjusted my position so I was more comfortable , and made sure my bag was secure . "Oh and uh , hold on tight ." he said , smirking back at me and winking . 

I hoped he couldn't see the blush with the helmet on as I wrapped my arms around his torso , feeling the heat from his body through his shirt , seeing as my hands were slightly under his jacket to hold on properly . With that , the bike roared to life  and we were off . 

I grinned as the wind whirled past , holding on tighter every time we leaned to take a turn. This was fun , kind of exhilarating, my heart pounding as he slowed down , dropping his leg to steady the bike in front of my house . "Here we are."He said, smiling over his shoulder as he rested his hands on the tank.

Letting go of him , I sat up straight and took the helmet off and handed it to him , the swinging my leg over the bike once more , I dropped to the tar road ,grinning like crazy. My legs felt a little wobbly , however , and I would've tripped over nothing if Jake hadn't steadied me , chuckling softly . 

"Thank you for the ride ," I said while I tucked my hair behind my ears trying to will my cheeks to stop burning . He shot me a smile that could melt hearts , his hair flopping forward again. " Not a problem . Say , you have any classes tomorrow ?" He looked at the ground for a second before his eyes met mine again , slightly hopeful.

"Nope, I don't have classes on Fridays . Why ?" 

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