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"RIRIKA WERE GOING TO DIE" "i-im so sorry" you both rolled down the hill from a sudden car crash you both were going very fast and you and ririka had each other in both arms, while you were rolling down the hill stones and sticks cut through your feet you were bleeding and so did ririka she was crying as she saw something up ahead. an rock found its way through ririkas hand making it bleed in your hair the grass left tralls of ware  you both were  rolling everything went fast but it seems so slow to you as you saw the fears in ririkas eyes an- "arh" an stick went through both of your bodys as blood dripped you felt ririka take her last breath with yours as tears left your eyes you knew it was the end.........you may be thinking how did this happen? and why? well let me take you to the beginning the starting of the life i would never forget.
"ngh" you woke up from your bed looking all over the place. "first day of school lets do this" you jumped from your bed opening the window as breeze passed through making the curtains swing. You went into the bathroom taking an shower while humming after you were finished you brushed your teeth and dried off putting on your uniform "it fits perfect!" you put on your black stockings and the school shoes as you grabbed an small black kit yo carry your things in, you opened a drawer next to you and put in some money after you were finished you looked in the mirror brushing your long (srry guys but im going to be picking how you look plz dont be mad.) light brown hair ad you were brushing you saw the black strip in your hair "oh yes this thing" you wore your hair  down and let the black strip go in your face such as your bangs you hated when your silver and golden eyes show it draws to much attention.

You walked downstairs "ah, gm sweetie" "GM mom!!" you skipped down happy and sat at the table "are you ready for school?" "HAHA YES!!" you said as your golden and silver eyes start to glow. "take it easy (y/n) and make sure your bangs are hanged down in your face no one can know were still alive." "yes mom ik" you got up and went to the door waving "bye mom!!" you walked to your limousine as someone opened it for you.  "you may go in ma'am" you simply nodded and went inside the car.

"were here ma'am" you stepped outside and thanked your driver seeing an other limousine come in to the place you were at. "dont move" you said to the driver he nodded and stayed in the same place. You pulled out your phone and took a picture of the limo  in front of you. zooming in on the picture you saw two people who comes to this school in the car. You nodded and signaled your diver that her can go. "tsk people" you pushed your phone inside your pocket and left.
"whos this girl??" ??? asked "im guessing shes a new student" ??? said. "well are you going to look for her information kirari" ??? asked "yes i will" kirari said while watching the girl walk away.
You walked into the school and getting whispers from people i mean you have a black strand in your hair and your eyes are covered by your bangs its not surprising that you would get whispers. "people cant just mind there own fucking business" you whispered as you looked behind you ,you saw the two people from the car incident not to long ago. "tsk these bitches" you turned around but ad you were to walk faster you felt a hand on your shoulder causing your reflects to trigger and you ducked down kicking in the air but missed the persons face its most likely that   the person saw what you were waring but you didnt care when you missed you did and handstand going back wards to see the person who touched you. "my my what an nice introduction" one of the girls said. You rolled your eyes which no one could actually see  since your bangs covered them. "whats your name?" the pale girl asked. "its none of your damn business" you said turning away and walking to your classroom.
When you reached the teacher said you had to introduce yourself so you stood there with dead silence "tsk people i guess ill have to talk" you thought as you finally open your mouth to sound all girly "HI!! my names (y/n) and im new here u hope we can be good friends!!" you said and felt cringe fill your in tire body.
After class you got up and went to the cafeteria to eat at but you felt someone's presence walking up to you so you took an turn and swung in the air from a metal bar standing there in place. "huh?? were did she go -huffs- i just wanted to be friends" an dark haired girl said walking out of the place and you slowly came down. "friends huh...maybe just one plus she looks cool and all" you looked around the corner and saw her going into the cafeteria  then after you came out from behind the wall and went inside. to pay for the food you want "huh what is this shit the momobamis get fancy food the middle classed get food that can suit them and the house pets get left overs, wtf left overs?? these people are sick!!" you walked up to the lady serving "yes what do you want as an middle ranker?" the lady said smiling at you "tsk i dont want anything i have my own lunch." you said "well then what did you come here for? your holding up the line" the women asked a bit confused "oh shut up" you took  up your black case and dumped the money on the counter "every damn house pet will have middle ranking foods for two days with the money i just gave you if you need more dont hesitate to ask" you said giving a smirk "yes ma'am this is enough money for two days but why would you pay for them? the women asked "none of your business" you turned around and clapped your hands making everyone look at you including the momobamus who recently came in "EVERY HOUSE LET STAND UP!!" you said as they got up from  cleaning and begging "GET IN A LINE INFRONT OF ME NOW!!" all the house pets started to form a line in front of you "I PAYED FOR EACH OF YOU TO HAVE AN PROPER MEAL FOR TWO DAYS!!! NOW MAKE IT WORTH IT!!" you looked at the women "if you ever serve left overs to one of them your going to regret it.
you walked out smiling at the house pets they some were crying of joy some were smiling happy and some were thanking  you like crazy. As you were about to leave someone stopped you so you put up your hands and and choked the person with the other hand. "o-oh its this idiot" you put your hands down and scoffed "jesus Christ child you need to learn how to ask and not just attack" the white haired girl said with a smirk "yea yes bye" you opened the doors and left.

Hey so like this is a story that just came in my mind to make i hope you like it its my idea btw and well yea thanks for reading.  :)

Is this death? {Ririka x female Reader} Where stories live. Discover now