Meeting new people

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Bye mom!-i shouted i was late too help the lady in the library again shes like my best fiend since a kid she also tells me about Jedis my mom prefers not to talk about them why i dont know

Hey laser brain-i said refering to my brother Korkie he is 16 and im 20

Hey Ugly book obssesed-he said 

Korkie ,Maia dont fight-my mom said 

Sorry-we both said

Well i have to go bye mom bye Korks-i said when my mom shouted at me

Were are you going you are supossed to stay today and pack because we are going to Coruscant tomorrow-she said

Im going to the library and why are we going to Coruscant-i said

Well, you are going because you want to learn more of politics so a friend of General Kenobi is going to teach you a lot-she said

I thought you and General Kenobi hated each other i mean after he came when you were giving a speech-i said

I changed decisions you are going today now go pack young lady-she said 

Yes mom-i said going to my room and i started packing some oufits i was kind of excited i have 2 friends in Coruscant Madam Jocasta and Anakin Skywalker i finished packing and then i falled asleep i woke up and it was 6:00am i went to the kitchen and i found Korkie eating my cookies

Hello There-i said

Hey Maia- he said

Why do you eat my cookies-i said

Theyre good also when you are on Coruscant are you going to miss me-he said

Ofc i am Korks after all who im going t call Laser Brain-i said 

Good morning Kids-my mom said entering the room since we were in the kitchen and no one knows Satine is our mom we call her Aunt Satine 

Good morning Aunt Satine-we said 

Maia your cases are alredy in the ship do you forget anything?-my mom said

No i dont think so-i said 

30 minutes later...

Goodbye mom i  love you - i said whispering  in her ear

Bye Korks -i said giving him a hug and then i entered the ship i went to the ship living room and i started reading my favorite book time has passed and we havent arrived yet i started watching the stars they were beutiful i was nervous to meet the senator my mom said 

M'lady we arrived-the pilot said i checked my hair and my dress i didnt like dresses that much but i have to be formal

Maias dress:

When i came ot of the ship i saw A woman very pretty next to her was Anakin and then Master Kenobi oh and the Chancellor Palpatine

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When i came ot of the ship i saw A woman very pretty next to her was Anakin and then Master Kenobi oh and the Chancellor Palpatine

Lady Maia im glad to see- you he said

Chancellor Palpatine long time no see-i said 

General Kenobi,General Skywalker im glad to see you both-i said Anakin had his famous smirk and i rolled my eyes playfully 

Maia im Senator Amidala but you can call me Padme - the woman said wow she was very pretty i was staring at her when i noticed 

Oh umm.. im glad to meet you Senator Amid Padme- i said i was nervous 

Shall we enter to my apartment so you can put your cases there-she said smiling

Uh.. y-yeah sure-i said and then Padme ,The Chancellor and Obi Wan started walking away me and Anakin in the back

What was that huh?-Anakin said 

What are you talking about-i said 

C'mon you were very nervous when you talked to Padme-he said smirking

Nothing- i said then we arrived at Padme's apartment and Anakin,Obi Wan , and the chancellor went to the senate building i was unpacking my clothes when Padme came in 

Hey i brought you some food-she said cheerfully 

Thank you- i said continue unpacking 

You didnt want to come here?-she said 

Well i love democracy but i miss my home theres a library near the palace and its beutiful..-i said

Well theres a library in the jedi temple and i have one in my office so i can take you tomorrow-she said smiling

Thank you!-i said smiling

You have a good taste in clothes-she said

Thank you i dont like dresses that much but i have a few- i said 

Well im going to my room if you need something just knock-she said and then she leaved i decided to take a shower and then i dressed in a nightgown and i went to sleep

This is going to be a awesome month-i said to myself

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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