<><><><><><><><><><><>Dedication: Its_Christina_Bitch for the two awesome and very hot covers on the side - thanks heaps. They're great! :)
Believe it or not, when Colin said, "So... let's go get started on that assessment," we actually did. We were on our way almost to the finish line, which was awesome, because my patience was beginning to grow thinner and thinner.
I thought I would be on his case all the time for slacking off, but our roles had reversed. I was the one who kept spacing out. My mind just kept floating back to about three hours previously, when Colin and I shared that steamy, intimate kiss that made my knees weak just thinking about it. I licked my lips, closing my eyes, at the memory.
He was so good.
"Hmm, hmm, hmm..." he hummed casually, tapping the pen on the dining room table. "Hmm, hmm, hmm!"
I gritted my teeth, my mind snapping instantly away from my naughty thoughts. Colin and his excessive tapping was making me so riled up I wanted to hit something. Or myself. Whatever would work. I had already lectured him twice and gotten into an argument with him about it. He doesn't even 'realise he is doing it'. Yes. I'm sure.
My eyes narrowed as I shot daggers at him. He remained oblivious, reading through the pages, his eyes skimming across the lines. Not even his attractive looks could melt my icy attitude right now. I was too tired and aggravated. Oh and the fact that every minute that went by, meant it was a minute closer to me being dragged back to the hell hole, most commonly called Downright High. I had been happy all day, or most of it, until I was harshly reminded of that.
"Hey, could you pass me that knife?" I asked, pointing to the large knife Miranda had been using to slice her pie with.
"Sure... why?" he asked distractedly, reaching over to get it.
"So I can slit your throat."
He paused, swivelling his eyes to mine. Amusement flashed across his eyes and his arrogant smirk found its way onto his lips. He laughed, leaning back on his chair, resting his hands behind his head.
"I'm doing it again, aren't I?"
"Yes." I deadpanned, my voice bland. I shifted, my legs beginning to cramp up. I rose to my full height and stretched, feeling my back crack. I felt my skin heat up as Colin's eyes walked over my body. I plopped back onto the table, resting my elbow on there and planting my chin in the palm of my hand. His eyes never left mine as he gazed at me curiously. I tried not to grin in satisfaction.
"How much of that have you done?"
"Good, I just have the conclusion to do."
"Well, you do that and I'll go get a beer."
"Um, think again," Miranda said sternly, striding in. She placed her hands on her hips and pursed her lips disapprovingly. "You, my son, are under age."
"Hasn't stopped the entire teenage population of Australia before." Colin pointed out, rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, well, may that be the case, I still say no."
I watched the scene fall out before me. I studied Miranda, unable to resist giving her a slightly dirty look. Her current husband had clearly picked on Colin and rudely spoke about her former husband and she still is with him. After everything. I know Colin wasn't home very much, but still. I didn't think that was right. I suppose I've only heard Colin's side of the story but I wholeheartedly think my opinion would remain the same.

Downright Delinquents
ActionHayley Larson is the girl everyone wants to be. She is a model, has amazing friends, a perfect life. When her father is brutally murdered, her perfect life spins out of control. Sent to Downright High, a school for delinquents, Hayley finds herself...