My eyes swept over Mr. Johnston as I stepped inside the classroom. There was something strange about him, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I continued to stare at him for a few moments, before I realised I was in the doorway. I maneuvered myself out of the way and students milled inside. There was conversation everywhere, people shoving each other and I think someone got punched in the face...
"All right, all right," Mr. Johnston called loudly in a booming voice, causing me to flinch slightly in surprise. "Shut up and stand at the front or all of you are on detention for a week. Let's go."
Detention for a week?
Jeeze, this was only my first lesson. I trudged to the front, alongside all the other complaining students. He beamed at us, clapping his hands with enthusiasm, as if he was relishing in the sight of us being miserable. He rocked on the balls of his fee. It was a little creepy.
"I'd like to inform you you will now be in a seating plan. No next to your friends. Your behaviour last week was unacceptable and if there is a repeat today, believe me, you will all suffer the consequences severely. Even if you're new."
His eyes connected with mine, and automatically mine narrowed. I had made a vow to myself to try to be good, so I could get out of this place, but if he pushed me, I was going to retaliate.
He quirked an eyebrow at me, wanting me to say something back, but, I gritted my teeth and looked away. I could practically feel the satisfaction roll off of him in waves. Stay cool, Hayley.
He paired us up and I fell into a chair. I stared at the vacant seat beside me.
Apparently, whoever I was sharing a table with would not make an appearance today. I was glad. I wanted to sit back and see everything. Also, I liked it positioned me in the back row, so I didn't have my back to anyone. That was always a plus.
It was about half-way through the lesson, (and four students had been sent to the principal's office) before the classroom door swung open and Colin strolled in casually. Mr. Johnston paused and gave him a flat, irritated stare. He let out a deep sigh, annoyance clear on his face. Colin didn't acknowledge him, which made me smirk.
"Why are you late Mr. Denver?" he asked, but Colin continued to just have his back to him, as though he didn't realise he was there.
"Well?" Mr. Johnston prompted.
Colin ignored his question completely and gave the class an impassive stare. "Is there a seating arrangement I'm unaware of?"
"Since you were absent and missed the introduction of the lesson, yes. There is now a seating plan." he explained, whilst walking towards his desk. He pulled out a sheet of paper and ran his finger over it, his eyes narrowing slightly as he read through the names. "You will be acquainted with Ms. Larson who is at the right hand back of the classroom."
"Great," he said sarcastically and dragged his feet after him.
"Oh, and you were late because?"
Once again, Colin doesn't respond. He sat beside me. I stared at him, awaiting a response, but he kept his eyes glued to the desk. A wave a smoke wafted towards me, signalling what he'd been doing before coming here.
"Maybe you should use some deodorant," I suggested.
"What are you implying?" he snarled, still not facing me. He began tapping his thumbs on the desk and I just stared at him incredulously.
I hated people who fidgeted all the time. He began tapping his knee on the desk, shaking it. I almost growled in frustration.
"That you reek of smoke and it's disgusting."

Downright Delinquents
ActionHayley Larson is the girl everyone wants to be. She is a model, has amazing friends, a perfect life. When her father is brutally murdered, her perfect life spins out of control. Sent to Downright High, a school for delinquents, Hayley finds herself...