Chapter Thirty Three

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Downright High without Colin was unimaginably mundane.

I hated the school even while he was here, so without him made it that much more unbearable. At the start of the day, I dragged my feet to English class, dreading that I was now alone. A disturbingly loud creak met my ears as the classroom door swung open. Heads turned my way, and I sighed loudly at the realization that I was late again. The real struggle of getting out of bed and actually leaving my dorm room was becoming harder the more time I spent in this school.

Mr. Johnston paused at my entrance. The muscles in my stomach constricted at the sight of him. I couldn't look at him the same now that I knew he and Imogen were officially hooking up. She still hadn't told Chase and myself. I obviously hadn't mentioned my discovery to anyone, but that didn't mean the matter still wasn't pressing on my mind. Something like this usually wouldn't bother me, but there was something I did not like about this guy. He scowled at my interruption, so I gave him a flat stare. I wanted to be here just as much as he wanted me here.

"Glad to see you made it to class today, Hayley," he drawled, folding his arms across his chest. "Your presence is always a delight."

Obviously, my bad mood had been noted. If I managed to make it to class, I was always late. Besides, there wasn't any point in turning up anymore because I was leaving in a few days anyway. In this case, though, the guards kept making stops at my dorm, so I was forced to attend at least some lessons throughout the day.

"Likewise," I retorted with an eye roll.

I wandered toward my desk and sat down roughly. There were only two days left until I could sign out and leave. Two days until I was eighteen and a legal adult. Two days until I could begin a life for myself with the person I love. That thought alone was able to evaporate my bad mood and leave me with a dreamy smile on my face that probably creeped people out.

I planted my chin in my palm and studied Mr. Johnston closely. He was arrogantly walking around the classroom as usual. I just couldn't get the thought of Imogen and him together out of my head. The idea had gotten under my skin, and I had no idea why. I tugged my thin cardigan and wrapped it securely around my body. Then I leaned back in my chair and began studying him.

He was a tall man with a structured yet thin build. He always overdressed, making him look highly superior over the rest of us. He had dress pants on and a light gray shirt tucked neatly into his waistband. He always wore dark gray, blue, or black outfits, matching his dark hair perfectly. He had pale translucent eyes that gave me goosebumps if I stared at them too long. His smooth, unblemished skin was as white as marble. All in all, he was an extremely attractive man. No wonder Imogen had the hots so bad for him. I think every girl in the school did.

Speaking of Imogen, she had been really annoying lately—more than usual, I mean. Everything she did or said seemed rehearsed. And she was overly nice to me these days. I was beginning to think she knew that I caught her and Mr. Johnston together and was trying to suck up to me. I personally think it didn't make a difference whether I knew or not. Other than that, I didn't want to hurt Chase, so I was keeping my mouth shut.

I let out a deep exhale, flicking my pen back and forth. This whole situation really irked me. I knew it was none of my business, but I thought she was making a huge mistake being with him. He was an arrogant ass who I instantly disliked the moment I met. There was something off about him; I just didn't know what it was yet. I didn't know the full story between them, and I wasn't sure I wanted to.

The lesson dragged by painfully slow. It didn't help that the cool air was nipping at the exposed skin on my face, making me more uncomfortable. I tugged the sleeves of my cardigan over my hands. Afterwards, I glanced at my phone for the umpteenth time this morning. I was, yet again, waiting for Colin's texts. He had been apartment hunting for the last few days. The best option he found so far was from an elderly lady renting out her basement. It wasn't an ideal choice, but beggars shouldn't be choosers. She also probably didn't want two reckless teens living beneath her either. However, it was cheap and not far from where I would be working, so no complaints from my end. He didn't really fancy the idea though. I completely understand why he was against the place, considering he had lived in an amazing house. Living in a basement would probably be a little beneath him (no pun intended). It didn't bother me, though, having lived in worse places. At the risk of sounding sappy, anywhere with Colin beside me was perfect in my eyes.

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