Chapter 8

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Izuku sat quietly in his living room listening to Katsuki cook in his kitchen while he was playing games. He looked over from time to time from the big screen to admire how domestic Katsuki looked. It made him feel smug that he could have such a former asshole be his wife. 'Wife? I actually like the sound of that,' Izuku thought to himself with a chuckle. He still hated the blonde and Katsuki knew but it didn't impede on their romantic relationship. Which was ludicrous to believe but it was the truth. 

They still cuddled, Izuku comforted him and vice versa, they went out on dates, etc. You can still be romantic someone while hating their guts to no end. But Izuku had to admit Katsuki was slowly winning him over. 

Keyword Slowly.

Katsuki could feel the gaze on him and it placed an expectation that what he was cooking should be top-tier. Katsuki knew he had skills in the kitchen it was the one thing he obviously inherited from the old man. But having his boyfriend stare him down made him nervous. He often wondered how he changed this much and all he had to do was look at Izuku, more specifically his scars and get back into his current persona. He would never go back to being such a horrid person, literally a terrorist. 

He smiled a bit as he tasted it a final time before turning off the stove. "Okay, I'm done," He called out to Izuku who paused his game to stand directly behind the shorter male. Katsuki could feel himself becoming hot by the closeness, hell Izuku was practically caging him in. 

'Smoldering me with his body....and I like that,' Katsuki thought as felt hands trailing along his body. 

"Can I touch you a bit?" Izuku asked right at his ear which made Katsuki shiver with delight. 

"Yes, oh god please touch me," Katsuki whispered as he heard Izuku chuckling in his ear. 

So here he was in Izuku's apartment, in his kitchen being touched sexually. Izuku started out innocently enough. His sides, neck, and arms but when he sensually ran a hand down Katsuki's chest they both knew they were in dangerous territory. "You'd do anything for me, right? Whatever I ask you'll say yes right?" 

Katsuki nodded as he felt Izuku's hand dip into his basketball shorts. He had purposely worn them so he could slip out of them easily when Izuku came onto him. "You want my approval, my love and you'd do anything to get it right?" Katsuki's mind was fogging up and he couldn't think straight. He'd never done anything sexual in his life, he just wasn't interested but Izuku had somehow caught him on a web. 

"Yes I'd do anything," He answered as Izuku pumped him into a full-blown erection. 

"Good boy, my princess," Izuku purred as he kissed along his neck. "I want you to look like a princess. Will you let me dress you up?"

Through a fog of lust, Katsuki agreed and in a show of immense strength Izuku picked him up in one swift motion and carried him off to his bedroom. Izuku laid Katsuki on the bed and made quick work of stripping him down. Now naked fully in front of Izuku for the first time Katsuki felt a bit insecure. Izuku must have seen the look on his face because he kissed him deeply. "You're my perfect princess anyone else who says otherwise is a fucking cunt."

That managed to make Katsuki laugh. They really had switched personalities and it was refreshing. He dropped his hands which he had used to cover himself but blushed heavily at the sight of his precum-soaked cock being out on open display. Izuku didn't mind and even played with him a bit before getting to the main event. Katsuki wasn't dense when Izuku said he wanted to make him a princess so he wasn't throwing a fit as he allowed Izuku to slip on thigh-high socks that were baby blue. Next was a black lacey mini skirt and finally a crop top sweatshirt in baby blue. He honestly felt cute and judging by Izuku's eyes that were slowly being filled with admiration he knew he was cute to the other too. 

"You look beautiful Sugarlips," Izuku climbed in bed to hover over him. He felt along Katsuki's thighs all while pushing the skirt up. "Should I treat my princess since he's so well behaved?"

Katsuki nodded and he was caught up in a heavy kiss. He whined as Izuku forced his tongue down his throat but he didn't mind. He could hear their slurping and it made him rise even more but only out of sheer embarrassment. How could he be so lewd!? Izuku had a hand on his hip which he moved so their groins could be pressing each other. Katsuki melted at the feeling of Izuku's basketball shorts creating friction against his open cock. He shifted his hips upwards and they started to hump each other. 

"S'good," Katsuki murmured as he pulled back to catch his breath. Izuku looked him dead in the eye. 

"From now on whenever you're here you'll be wearing outfits like these."

Katsuki couldn't even protest as it felt good to feel such soft fabric against his skin. He nodded and Izuku pushed his crop top up to suck at his nipples. It was a new sensation for Katsuki but he soon fell in love with the act. It was like a newborn suckling for milk. He caressed Izuku's head, encouraging him as he went lower until he could feel the other licking at his cock. "I promised you a blow," Was all Izuku said before swallowing him. 

Katsuki's eyes shot wide open and he covered his mouth to stop the squeal. It felt good, really good and he couldn't stop himself from thrusting into Izuku's mouth which the greenette allowed him to do. With his hands buried in Izuku's hair Katsuki cried with pleasure, he didn't know he was missing out on something like this. He was happy Izuku introduced him, he locked his legs around the male's head and came inside his mouth. 

'He's drinking it,' Katsuki thought in a daze as he felt Izuku's tongue working him. 'This must've been what he felt when I did it. I want to suck him off again, is that bad? Bad that I'm slowly becoming addicted,' He didn't think so but only time would tell. 


"I-Izuku," Katsuki moaned as they stood outside of the U.A gates. Izuku had walked him back to school and was now marking his neck with a deep purple hickey. It was bad enough Katsuki had to keep his new accessory on at all times, not Izuku's orders he just wanted it on at all times. It was a simple, thin leather band, a choker if you will. Completely black with no gems or embroidery. 

"Come on Sugarlips work with me here," Izuku pulled back with a smirk as Katsuki hid his face in his chest. 

"You're just being a meanie, stop teasing me so much," Katsuki said in his chest as he looked up at him a bit. 

"Alright, alright I'll see you next week alright," Izuku ruffled his hair as he gave Katsuki a final kiss. 

"Bye Izu," Katsuki smiled and headed inside. 

Izuku hummed a bit before he saw Katsuki go inside the building before heading home. 

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