- can i work up the guts to tell him -

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*denki pov*: i wake up to someone playing with my hair i yawn and open my eyes to shinso laying under me playing with my hair he notices that im awake and stops playing with my hair

*shinso pov*: i see denki wake up and look at me so i stop playing with his hair denki sits up and gets off me and goes to his closest and he asks me to close my eyes to give him privacy

*time skip*

*denki pov*: i decided to go to lunch with shinso once we finish with lunch we decided to go to the mall and look around

*shinso pov*: im starting to think that this some kind of date but i don't know we just met yesterday maybe hes trying to get to know me better once we get to the mall he tries to grab my hand i let him hold my hand not thinking much about it "um hey denki do you think that we could look around in hot topic?" Sure he replys as he drags me to hot topic

*denki pov*: "sure!" i drag shinso to hot topic to look around once we get to hot topic we look around

*time skip*

*denki pov*: i hand shinso a shirt and choker so he can give it to the cashier once we get done we walk out the store and shinso hands me the choker and i put it on "how does it look!" You look great shinso replys i hug him and then we look around and i find a shop with a bunch of skateboards "shinso look!"

*shinso pov*: i look at the shop denki is pointing at "do you want to go inside?" Yeah denki replys and we both walk into the shop and denki finds a skateboard he likes and i tell him that i can pay for it

*denki pov*: "ok here" i hand shinso the skateboard and shinso goes to pay i wait outside and after a little bit shinso walks over to me and hands me the skateboard and i set it down and step on it and start skating around to get used to it then we head back to ua

am i falling in love? a shinkami love storyWhere stories live. Discover now