~ can I finally getting the guts to tell him my secret ~

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⚠️ Tw: touretts

*3rd person pov*
Denki let out a sigh as he looks in his mirror "when will I get the guts to tell him I'm trans but what if he doesn't accept me- what if he leaves me-" the electric blonde started pacing around his room until he hears a knock on his door then he grabs a shirt and puts it on to hide his binder then he opens his door "oh hi shin!" Shin was Denki new nickname for shinso "hi" the purple haired boy says as the blond starts flapping his hands to help calm himself down shinso hugs Denki in hopes of help calming him down Denki calms down "kirishima asked me to ask you if you want to go to a party?" Shinso asked "I'll only go if you go with me!!" The blonde says and he starts flapping his hands again his head twitches "crap" Denki says as he scrunches up his nose and his head twitches again all shinso does is hug Denki bc that seems to calm him down

I'm so sorry for making this chapter short but I'm going to make the party it's own chapter :> but anyways I hope you like it the reason that this took so long to publish was bc I was moving so ye a_nonbinary_togasimp out!!

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