Graduation party time (smut warning shin x kami)

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(Btw denki allready got his top and bottom surgery !)
Shin pov: *phones dings* hm? notification: new message from my dumb Pikachu 
the message from denki: "hey love do you want to go to a party that im hosting?????" 
*texts back* ofc love <3 

*Time skip brought to you by my love for cheese* 

Still shins pov: once i get dressed i head to the main lobby to see my boyfriend drunk and has his shirt off and all i know is that my brain is thinking is "bring him to your room fuck him till he can't walk" 
denks pov: *drunk out of his mind*
shin pov: *resisting the urge to f his bf out of his mind*
*walks over to denks* hey love 
denkis pov: ohhhhhhhhhhhhh heyyyyyyyyyy sexy~ *smirks* glad you could make it~ 
shins pov: *hard* 
denks pov: ooooooooo loky here!~ *looks at shins pants*
shins pov: *////////////*
denks pov: *stands up* follow me daddy~
shins pov: *blushing confused hony boi*
denks: *walks to his dorm*
shin: *follows* 
Denk: *opens his dorm door and takes off his shirt* 
Shin: *blushing mess*  
*time skip brought to you by me wrighting this in my front room while my watching turning red lol* 
Denk: *grinding on shin* 
Shin: *a moaning mess* 
Denki: you like that daddy~ 
Shin: Y-Yes~
Denk: *loud ass moan* 
Shin: *holds denkis hips trying to stop him bc he wants denks ass lol* 
Denk: *Stops grinding* ? 
!big ol smut warning!
Shin: On the floor on your knees now 
Denki: yes daddy~ *gets on the floor on his knees like the little slut he is lol-*
Shin: Takes off his pants and boxers then stands Infront of denks*
Denks: *looks at shins dick and starts to drool*
Shin: you like what you see? 
Denks: *nods*
Shin: open your mouth baby~ 
Denks: *opens his mouth bc hes a slut* 
*time skip brought to you by me not wanting to wright shin face fucking Denk*
Denks: *bouncing on shins dick and is a moaning mess* 
Shin: *loud ass moan* SHIT~ 
Denks:*lays on shins chest and sways his hips*
Shin: AHHHH~ DENKI~ *flips him and denki over ;)*
Denki: ! 
Shin: *yo wanna see some real speed*
Denk: AHHHHHH!!!!~ 
Shin: you like that slut?~ 
Shin: ok~ *goes harder* 
Denki: *arches his back*
Shin: *comes* 
Denks: AHH~ 
*time skip brought to you by my bf making dirty jokes lol*
Hey hey this is the end rn bc im going to be making the after care another little chapter <3 that will be wroten soon but you have to be on my discord server to find out when! i update it 

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