1. New School Year

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No ones POV

"And we hope you have a great year" just as the teacher finished the bell went. Everyone got up and began heading out, assembly at the beginning of the year was always boring.

You stretched your arms out "they say the same crap every year" Mike commented and Lauren and Jay nodded in agreement. All 4 of you were headed to the math department "do you think Mr Liyu is in?" Jay asked and you shrugged "I hope so, I don't think I can deal with that substitute for another year" Lauren rolled her eyes.

"You just don't like her cause she called you rude" you scoffed "yea I was jokingly insulting a friend and I wasn't being offensive at all" Lauren just patted your shoulder.

You and Jay split off to go to your math class while Mike and Lauren went to theirs. The class was already half full when you arrived. You got ready for the class but began talking to the boys behind you.

Kevin and Jack sat behind you and Jay and you were friends with them but they weren't your main friend group. "Yea I got the new game over the summer, I've already finished it" Jay looked impressed at Jack "damn, I've not finished it yet, I'm stuck on one of the missions" Kevin butted in "what level? I've played a bit of it and might have got past it."

"You know the one where you have to run to the lift while also killing the boss?" The boys nodded "oh yea I get stuck on that as well, there's way too many of them" you informed them and Jay had nodded in agreement at what you said.

Before they could say anything though the teacher got the classes attention and you internally sighed in relief at seeing it was Mr Liyu.


When the class had ended and it was time for break, Jack and Kevin caught up with one other of the boys in the class, Brian. You knew he was mostly with Vanoss and his other friends but you also knew he and his friend Nogla had been friends with Jack, Kevin and Dan since primary school.

"What do you have after break?" You asked Mike "I have computing science, you?" You huffed slightly "biology but I don't know if I can be bothered with it" your best friend chuckled "well I wish you luck" you sat down in your usual seats in the lunch hall.

You were observing around the lunch hall and your gaze landed the table where Vanoss and his friends were sitting. "Are they missing some people?" You raised an eyebrow and your friends followed your gaze before looking back at you. Jay nodded "I think I heard something about them falling out with some of their friends and some of them moved to another school" you nodded "huh, they still look like a massive group though."

"They always do" Lauren replied. You were all chatting and looking at your phones but Jay made a surprised noise. You all looked at her with a questioning look "there's a back to school party this Friday and everyone's invited" you furrowed your brows in confusion "who's hosting it?" She looked just as confused as you "The twins, Nathan and Natalie" surprise settled on all your faces.

"They don't even speak to us?" Jay shrugged "yea but it's for everyone, what if we went?" You frowned slightly "that might not be the best idea, you've seen the videos of what happens at those parties" Mike nodded "also I'm pretty sure people from other schools and even uni's go to them" Lauren scoffed at you both playfully.

"Come on your not scared of a party are you?" You shook your head "No!" You exclaimed but continued "I'm scared of the people" you stated and your friend just rolled her eyes.


"See ya!" You walked down your street, it was quiet since your neighbour was filled with mostly retired old people. Your house came into sight and on the front lawn was your sisters fiancé, Lyra. The squeal from the gate when you opened it alerted Lyra of your presence.

She turned round from where she was planting. "We were wondering when you were going to get home" you offered her a sheepish smile "sorry, I walked Jay to the nursery because she had to get Nadia" Lyra looked worried "was her mum not looking after her?" You shook your head "she had to go see Jays uncle, he needed help with moving" she then nodded and you walked into the house.

Music was playing as it always was. "Jinx!" You called out and you heard a bang from the kitchen. "In here!" You walked through to find your sister sitting next to the sink rubbing her head with a grimace. "You're still trying to fix that sink? Just get Alex down the road to do it, he offered to" she shook her head "he'll expect something, you know how that old man is" you sighed at her.

"How was your first day back?" You shrugged your bag off your shoulders and onto the back of a dining chair "just the usual, boring" you opened the fridge to see what was there.

It was silent before Jinx spoke in a nervous tone "mum phoned again today" you froze and a deep frown settled on your face "oh cool" you replied nonchalantly but the air had gotten tense "Y/N, she really does want to make up with you" your sister hesitated "well I'm not really interested in her right now Jinx, I have better people in my life like you and Lyra."

You picked up your bag before going up the stairs and into your room. You got your Alexa to play your playlist before you sat on your bed.

You really didn't want to have to think about that on your first day back at school, it's meant to be a good day.


Evans POV

"I can't believe she already assigned us homework" Marcel whined "yea what a bitch" Jon huffed and agreed. I looked up from my phone at my friends "yo are we going to Nat and Nathan's on Friday?" Tyler shrugged "sure why not, it's not like we have anything better to do and I bet Nat would beg you to go if you said no anyway."

I nodded in agreement. The rest of the walk home we just chatted about random things like new video games or TV shows. We split off into groups to head towards our houses, me and Brian made our way down our street.

I glanced at houses as we passed but my gaze landed on one particular house. "You know they aren't going to magically look outside when you look right?" I went to elbow him but Brian was wrong because as I went to look away you appeared at your window and watched as we passed.

"If you want to be friends with them so bad just ask them" Brian stated and I gave him an unimpressed look "it's not that easy idiot."


11 years ago

"Y/N!" Your mother called and you ran downstairs quickly "yea mama?" She beckoned you forward "come say hi to our new neighbours, this is Mrs and Mr Fong" you stood nervously next to your mother and grabbed onto her joggers with your small hand.

A woman and man with bright friendly smiles stood at your door and in between them was a little boy your age. "This is my little one Y/N, I have an older one but she's on her console, you know what older kids are like" you gave a small wave "well it's lovely to meet you Y/N" the woman greeted. "Well this is our son Evan."

Evan stood with a bright smile and overall leaked confidence compared to you. "Hi!" He exclaimed and you offered him a little smile of your own. "Well it was nice to meet you both but we have to finish unpacking" Mr Fong said and your mother nodded "of course, if you need anything please feel free to ask" with that the family left.

You then rushed up to your bedroom and watched them walk back to their house.

A/N: Hello there, I am back and I have an actual chapter of this book for you. Sorry if I packed a bit too much in this chapter but I didn't want it to be too short anyway hope your having a good day/night.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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