Chapter 18: The cross

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Tw: Angst, blood mention, voices in head, mentions of death. Nothing to extreme this time. Call it the calm before the storm.

"Muffin, I'm here!" Nadwe announces as he flies through the window and turns into his human form.
"Good. Where's Meme." Muffin asks.
"Right behind me. Are you okay?"
"Where is he?" Nadwe questions.
"In his room. He said he'd be out soon but it's been five minutes."
"Stay here. I'll go check it out."
Muffin catches Nadwe by his arm. "No. We wait for Meme."
"No buts."
Nadwe sighs. "Fine."
There's a creak at the door and Joocie walks in the room. "Nadwe."
"Joocie." Nadwe looks at him.
Something brews in the Joocie's eyes that Muffin had only seen with Laff. An untrusting glance.
"What are you doing here?" Joocie asks.
"I came to make sure Muffin was safe."
"Is that so?" Joocie's eyes narrow.
"I can assure you he is."
"I don't trust you." Nadwe hisses, his eyes glowing brighter.
"Guys, calm down." Muffin steps forward.
"I'm perfectly calm." Joocie replies not taking his eyes off Nadwe.
"Muffin, I can handle this."
"You both need to stop. We don't need to start any new wars or make more enemies. It'll just make things worse." Muffin crosses his arms.
There's a pause of silence before Joocie tears his glance away from Nadwe. "Did you tell him to come here?"
"Yes but only because I was worried."
"I told you was fi—
"I'm here!" Meme bursts through the door. "Where's the patient?"
"You brought Meme." Joocie's voice tightens in annoyance.
"Is there a problem with that?" Nadwe growls.
Joocie glares at him.
"What's going on?" Meme asks pulling out his med kit.
"Nothing. I just had a tough morning and handled it poorly." Joocie explains calmly.
"Let's talk about it." Meme says.
"Fine, but not here." Joocie turns away from the 14 year olds and escorts Meme out.
"Where are we going?"
"To the church. It's the perfect place to talk." Joocie replies with a thin smile.


"Let's go spy on them." Nadwe says heading towards the door but Muffin pulls him back.
"No, let them talk."
"Why are you defending him? He's a hazard to your safety!"
"No, he isn't! He's my friend." Muffin replies.
"He's untrustworthy."
"Not to me. He just needs help. We both know he's been through a lot...we all have."
Nadwe looks down. "I know but those kind of things can mess with someone's mind. I don't want him to hurt you on accident."
"He won't."
"What if he does?"
"Then we have each other. I know you'll always be there to help me." Muffin smiles slightly.
"Just please be careful around him."
"I will. I promise."


"Why are we at the church?"
"It's peaceful here." Joocie says sitting against the alter.
Meme joins him at the altar and looks around. "You kept the church clean."
"Yeah, it would be a shame to destroy something so beautiful."
"Joocie, tell me what happened? I know you need the help." Meme says.
"I had a nightmare and woke up stressed. It got worse from there." Joocie replies calmly.
"Tell me about it." Meme pulls out his clipboard.
"It was just a bunch of darkness and endless tunnels."
"So, you were in the bunker?"
Joocie shivers.
"Stop resisting. You'll ruin everything."
"Mhm." Joocie nods slowly.
"What else?"
"Th-that's it."
"Are you sure?" Meme asks, shifting in his place. A cold draft suddenly forming around him.
Joocie covers his head feeling the piercing pain move through his skull.
"Joocie!" Meme gently reaches out and moves his arms away. "Let me see your head."
"M'fine. I just get headaches." Joocie says pulling away.
"Are you not going to let me help you?"
"I don't need help."
Meme sighs. "Med bay, 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm on Thursdays and 10:30 am to 12:00 pm on Tuesdays."
"It's your therapy hours." Meme replies.
"Are you seriously making me do this?"
Joocie sighs. "Okay, fine."
Joocie stands up and helps Meme to his feet.
An icy shiver runs down Meme's spine at his touch and he backs up against the alter. "Wh-what was that?"
"It just gets cold here sometimes. Weird huh?"
"Y-yeah." Meme turns away. "And you'll be at your therapy session tomorrow?"
"Course. I'm free on Thursday anyway."
Meme walks away but suddenly stops seeing a new cross perched in the ground outside. "Joocie, who's cross is that?"
Joocie walks up and stares at it. "It's Woolf's."
"He's a ghost."
"He still deserved a cross."
"Yeah, you're right." Meme looks at the crimson patches on the wood. "Is that blood?"
"No, the wood was just like that." Joocie turns away. "I have to tend to my garden. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yeah." Meme watches him go and looks back to the cross.
I could've sworn there was already a cross for Woolf at the cemetery. Why would he need two?
Meme stands over it confused. Something doesn't feel right.
"Dad!" Nadwe runs up followed by Muffin. "How'd it go? Where's Joocie?"
"It went well. Joocie left to his garden."
"Did you help him any?" Muffin asks.
"Yeah. I can't tell you guys though. Patient confidentiality."
"Seriously?" Nadwe crosses his arms.
Muffin glances back at the church with a frown.
What was with Joocie?


"Blaza! I told you not to go in without me!" Socks yells angrily as he runs up to the prison.
The wall closes behind Blaza. "Sorry Socks, I needed answers."
"Well, what did he tell you?"
"He killed Tbh."
"What?" Sock's face pales. "H-how? He's chained!"
"I don't know. He just did." Blaza whispers, looking down.
"No. It can't be true."
"It is."
Tears form in Sock's eyes and he hugs Blaza.
Blaza hugs him back calmly.
"This can't be happening." Socks whispers. "I'm so sorry, Blaza."
"It's okay."
"No, it's not!" Socks pulls away angrily. "He's gone too far! If we don't do something now, he'll kill us all!"
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying I want him gone!"
"Hey, calm down." Blaza takes his hand. "How about we get out of here? Never see L4ff again."
"Why are you so calm?" Socks steps back a bit.
"I'm not. I just-I can't talk about this right now." Blaza whispers back.
"O-okay. I won't."
"Good. Let's go." Blaza says and walks off with Socks.


That night...

Meme comes inside his house with a sigh and collapses on the couch.
"You okay?" Socks asks from the loveseat beside him.
"No. I had a long day. Joocie had a mental break, Oompa accidentally broke his finger while constructing a building, Dino got caught up in a fence, and Uncle Paaji fell off his roof."
"I thought Uncle Paaji died?" Socks asks.
"I have multiple Uncle Paajis."
"How much more bad news can you take?"
"Just rip the bandage off." Meme grumbles.
"Tbh is dead."
"What?" Meme turns to him in shock. "Th-that's not funny, Socks!"
"I'm not joking."
"N-no! You have to be!"
"I wish I was." Socks says, looking down. "Blaza and I found out earlier today. Tbh went to visit L4ff and was murdered by him."
"N-no." Meme starts to tremble.
Socks reaches out to Meme and pulls him into a hug.
"Why?" Meme whispers.
"I don't know."
"This has to stop."
"I know." Socks replies. "You should've seen Blaza. He was so indifferent. I'm not sure if he can take anymore tragedy at this point."
"I know I can't!" Meme shouts pulling away. "This needs to end!"
Socks looks down at his hands which hold a rope.
"We both know what needs to be done. The question is will you help me?" Socks asks.
Meme looks at it for a moment before nodding.
"Then it's settled. We'll hang L4ff for his crimes, taking him offline permanently."

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