I wouldnt cry

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I swore to myself that I would not cry
Even when I wanted to die.
I promised not to shed a tear,
I swore that I would show no fear.
I tried to hold back all the shakes
I tried to hide all the mistakes.
I covered up all the melt downs
I hid away all the frowns
But now it seems I start to break
It's seems like I'm all give and no take.
I cry when I don't want to
It's seems like that's all there is to do.
I stopped cutting long ago,
Sometimes I still want to though.
I don't want to seem weak
So I just don't speak.
I smile and laugh and pretend I'm ok,
Inside I'm scared I'll just snap some day.
Can anyone else hear what I say,
Does anyone else fight to keep the monsters at bay?
By me Kitti

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