Please Don't Touch Me

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  You were ill, you had a high fever but you refused to stay in bed. You were forced to stay home but made it your goal to do pretty much anything productive. You hated being lazy.

  "Y/N! You should be resting!" Your brother scolded upon coming home. "This is why you always get really sick! You never rest!"

  "I'm fine." You said, letting out a small sneeze before getting back to doing work.

  "Y/N, rest and you can clean later." Kiyoko said.

  "I have work to do." You said.

  "I called you out sick, now sleep." Shoyo said.

  "I'm busy." You muttered and walked away to do laundry.

  "Nope, bed." You heard and your brother instantly grabbed you and lifted you up so you couldn't get stuff done.

  "Shoyo, put me down before I-"

  "Before you what? You're in no power right now."

  You instantly shut up, the words he said was something your mother said to you rather often. You let him carry you to bed and he put you under the blankets. You instantly snatched the fabric and pulled it over your head to hide from the world.

  You heard noises from outside but ignored it, burying yourself in your thoughts. Soon enough you were asleep.


  "Careful, we can't wake her up." You heard whispers.

  "Boss will be upset if we fail to get the girl, she has a strange obsession with this girl." Another whisper rung out.

  You couldn't see. A piece of fabric covered your vision. You didn't know what time it was but one thing you did know is it was cold. A nightly cold. You assumed it was dark outside.

  "Make sure we don't hurt this little girl. Boss will give us hell if we do anything wrong."

  "I know, shut up!"

  You pretended to remain unconscious, hoping to not get hurt. You were good at staying quiet and limp.

  You felt hands being removed from your body as you were set down on what felt like a carseat. You didn't know what was going on.

  "Drive carefully to Bukimina's mansion." You heard and it clicked in your head. You were getting kidnapped by people who worked for your stalker.


  The blind fold was removed from your eyes as you felt yourself being placed on a soft and comfy surface. You felt arms around you.

  "Wake up, Y/N. Breakfast is ready." You heard a feminine voice in your ear.

  You pretended to groan and awake, you were good at pretending. You gasped and jolted up, fake surprise filling you.

  "Holy shit, where am I?" You asked, looking around.

  "You're home, my dearest soulmate." You heard a happy voice.

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